Ch 24

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Wanda paced quickly around her room, Noah just asked her out on a date. Noah who seemed like a sweet, normal boy, asked her on a date. Wanda let out large exhale, collapsing back on her bed trying to think of how to reply. They hadn't talked about how discreet Wanda would have to be with her life outside of school, it wasn't like she could go anywhere without Steve or Natasha driving her there. Noah seems trustworthy but Natasha is right, it's hard to know who to trust when you live the lives they live. She closes her eyes as she lets her thoughts wonder. Wanda looks up when she hears a knock on her door frame, she lets out a small gasp when she sees the swirls of red in the air.
"Hey, you okay?" Natasha asks popping her head into Wanda's room.
"Sorry... I..." Wanda starts
"What's wrong?" Natasha asks coming to sit next to Wanda on her bed.
"Noah asked me out on a date." She replies in one breath.
"That's good right?" Natasha says small smile on her lips
"I think so..." Wanda starts, nervous expression on her face "I have to tell Papa don't I?"
Natasha lets out a laugh at the girls uneasy expression. "Relax, kiddo. I'll tell him with you." She says placing a kiss to Wanda's head.
"Now?" Wanda asks reluctantly. Natasha nods, pulling the teen behind her to go find Steve.

Steve swings his fist repetitively at the punching bag, pausing to while sweat off his face. Sam is currently lifting weights on the opposite side of the gym. Steve smiles when he notices Natasha and Wanda walking in the doorway.
" Ladies." Steve says grabbing his water bottle "you two look like you're up to no good..." he chuckles
"You might want to sit down for this one." Natasha says patting him on the shoulder. Sam looks up from his workout at this raising his eyebrows. "Wanda got asked out on a date."
"A date?!" Steve and Sam say at the same time, Wanda's face blushes a bright crimson.
"By who?!" Steve asks. Natasha turns to Wanda who swallows before speaking
"His name is Noah, he's in my art class..." Wanda replies
"Damn..." Sam sighs earning a glare from Natasha
"Where and when is this date?" Steve asks, Wanda can't really gage his reaction but he doesn't seem upset.
"After school, he wants to go out for ice cream." Wanda says face still blushing.
"Do you want to go?" He asks. Wanda contemplates it for a moment, before nodding.
"Alright then, it's settled. But I want updates, okay? I want to know where you are at all times." He adds before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her cheek
"Of course." Wanda replies breathing out a sigh of relief. At that the whole atmosphere of the room changes, instantly feeling lighter.
"I'm going to go shower, Peter's coming over for dinner." Wanda adds. Steve and Natasha nod and Wanda walks out of the room a light skip in her step. Steve wraps his arms around Natasha and she scrunches her nose at the feel of his skin sweaty against her.
"What are we going to do?" Steve asks pressing a kiss to her shoulder
"Yeah, what are we going to do?" Sam asks shaking his head in disbelief at the teen.
"She's growing up..." Natasha says sad smile on her lips.
"We'll still have to go through this moment at least 2 more times." Steve reminds her.
"I thought this was supposed to be harder on you?" She glares playfully
"If she's happy, I'm happy..." Steve replies kissing the worry line on her forehead "if he hurts her won't be good for him."
"I'm with you on that one cap." Sam adds grabbing his water bottle and walking out of the room.
Natasha chuckles, shaking her head.
"What's so funny?" Steve asks pinching her side
"Wanda's Uncle Sam and her dad, Captain America..." Natasha replies amused grin on her face
"This is kind of your fault you know..." Steve adds in a teasing tone "I mean she was kind of yours before she was mine."
"Ours." Natasha muses "She's always been our kid."
"Ours." Steve agrees "not that I could stay away if I had tried, I was pretty in love with her mom." Steve smiles at the blush that finds it way to Natasha's cheeks.
"I love you..." she replies
"I love you." He replies wrapping his arm around her to lead them out of the gym.

Wanda feels surprisingly better after her shower and accepting Noah's date. She was still a little nervous but having Steve's blessing put her at ease. She threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before towel drying her hair. Peter should be here anytime as it was nearly 4 o'clock. She smiles hearing Peter's voice almost on cue, talking to Natasha as soon as he steps off the elevator. He smiles at her entering the room
"Wanda! I've missed you!" He says coming to greet her with a hug that's entirely too tight, crushing her head into his shoulder.
"I've missed you too, Pete." Wanda says stepping back to ruffle his hair. He blushes, batting her hand away in a childish manner. Peter might be in the same grade as her but she's nearly a year older, but the boy's a genius and had practically skipped a grade making him almost 15 as a sophomore in high school.
"What's for dinner?!" Peter asks throwing his backpack into a kitchen chair and kicking off his sneakers, the boy was shy but he'd certainly become comfortable in the Rogers home since his friendship with Wanda.
"Pizza, please?" Wanda asks turning to Natasha
"Great idea, kiddo. Less dishes I'll have to clean." Natasha replies, kissing Wanda's cheek before heading to the kitchen
Lia walks into the room eyes lighting up at Peter, before running to him.
"Hey Princess!" Peter smiles picking the girl up.
"Hi, Peter. Miss you." Lia mumbles into his shoulder.
"I missed you too munchkin." Peter says " hey, I brought you something!"
"What is it?" Lia asks eye widening, he reaches into his bag pulling out a small figurine and handing it to her.
"Star Wars?" Wanda asks raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, you're supposed to teach them young!" Peter defends himself, as the little girl motions to be put down running into the kitchen in search of Natasha.
The two teens plop down on the couch and Peter hands Wanda the homework she's missed.
"This sucks..." Wanda says eyeing the large stack of homework. "I was only gone two days?"
"And a half." Peter reminds her
"How could I forget..." Wanda says rolling her eyes.
"Noah was asking about you... he said he was really worried." Peter adds
"He asked me out on a date tomorrow." Wanda says
"Oh really? That's really great, Wands!" Peter replies
"I'm kind of nervous...." Wanda starts "I'm not like the other girls at school."
"Normal's overrated." Peter says "but for what it's worth he'd be stupid not to see how amazing you are."
"Thanks Pete, you're a good brother." Wanda replies, the sentence leaving her mouth before she has a chance to process what she has said. Peter's face lights up.
"Anytime, Wands." He replies and Natasha calls them in for pizza.
After eating way too much and spending the night watching a movie and doing homework, it's nearly 10 when Peter leaves. Wanda yawns from her place on the couch, curling into a throw pillow.

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