Part 21

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Paris POV

As me and Camila walked towards the door we were both nervous I know I said if it was josh I would tell him to kick rocks but ima be real

I would most likely break down and tell him what was the reason of leaving he could of at least called or something to make sure me and the

Baby was alright once we opened the door it was.....

My mother😂 "Dang girl what was taking y'all so long to answer the door it's cold outside" she says with an attitude pushing me and Camila

Out of the way while shivering causing Camila to laugh and me to still have a straight face because I was tired

Once I was about to close the door my mom told me to leave it open "I got somebody coming in" she say walking toward the door to get whoever she left the door opened for

"JOSH COME ON IN" She says making me and Camila jaws to literally drop to the floor

"Ma what are you doing" I say looking at josh as he walks in I know it only been a few months but he has changed a lot he's gotten taller

His hair has grown more and he has a little beard "don't ma me y'all need to talk y'all are almost grown with a child on the way go upstairs and talk and don't make me say anything again" she says point upstairs causing me to huff and walk up the steps

With josh following once we got in the room it was definitely quiet until my mom yelled "YALL BETTER START TALKING!" She says causing me to jump

"So how have you been" Josh says sitting at my desk in my room while playing with his fingers and twisting his hair

"I've been fine" i say with my teeth gritted causing him to sigh "Paris I'm sorry" he says while standing up

"Josh sorry isn't enough I'm hurt you literally haven't talked to me in months because you thought a baby was going to ruin your career a real MAN or a real FATHER would have done that how dare u even step foot in my house or in my sight knowing you were wrong" I say crying it felt good to finally let out my feelings with him in front of me

"Paris I don't know what to say" Josh says putting his hands in his pocket and rubbing his nose sighing

"I know you can't say anything first thing you asked was Paris how have you been you want to know what you forgot to say huh?" I say getting loud causing him to look up

"What?" He says confused scrunching his eyebrows "YOU FORGOT TO ASK HOW YOUR CHILD WAS YOUR UNBORN CHILD JOSH"

I yell causing him to realize what I was saying I then started walking towards the door because I knew if I stayed in here any longer I would smack the living hell outta him

"Paris come on please don't leave let's talk some more I want to be here" he says causing me to scoff

"Paris just let me speak please" I just nod my head because I wanted to really hear what he was gonna say this time probably is gonna be nonsense

"Paris I'm gonna admit I was dumb for running away I was scared I was only 18 I didn't know what to do and your right I did think a baby was gonna ruin my career I let my boys get in my head I didn't mean to ask you to get an abortion that was just the first thing that came to my head my mom talked some sense into my head and I Promise to God I don't want to lose you or my child I swear if you give me one more chance I will make it up to you please Paris"

I'm not gonna lie him talking kind of softened me up but I don't want to be dumb and take him back and something goes wrong again

"Josh I- I guess so I promise you this will be the last time I ever take your back" I say wiping my tears and seeing his wide smile I missed

He then kissed my belly and said Daddies back he should have never left after me and him finished talking I opened the door causing my mom and Camila to fall towards me

Because they were listening beside my door "I'm Glad y'all made up Josh like she said this will be her last time taking you back I hate seeing my baby hurt" my mom says kissing my cheek

And side eyeing Camila was just sitting there looking at josh like she wanted to kill him "as long as your happy But Josh I will cut your penis off you break her heart again respectfully see you tommorow Paris"

Camila says walking out of the house and my mom going in her room leaving me and josh

"But Paris I want to talk to your about something else too" he says causing me to look up Curious

"What is it josh" I say rolling my eyes looking at him smiling "Come to Arizona and move in with me".........

"For the sake of our child Yes"

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