Part 12

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                          Paris POV

It's been a few weeks since me and josh have gotten back together I haven't told my parents yet

Because I know how they would react I told camila I took him back she was shocked but she understood

For some reason I think I should tell my parent about it the sooner the better so I guess I'm gonna tell them tonight forget that right now

I start walking down the stairs my parents were at the table talking and I could feel my hands and feet sweating by the minute

"Hey momma hey dad can we talk for a second" I say making both of them turn there heads and my dad to take his glasses off

"Sure baby what is it" my mom says sounding concerned

"I-I me and josh got back together" I lie to you not my mom started smiling and my dad spit out his

GCoffee all over my shirt "what PARIS WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN" my dad says standing up coming toward me

Making my mom pull him back "a few weeks ago momma tell him I couldn't help it" I say to my dad

"Kirk you can blame the girl love works in wierd ways" my mom says rubbing my dads back

"But he cheated on her Yolanda" my dad says pointing to me causing my mom to sigh

"Well Kirk I took you back didn't I like 3 times and we were in highschool let the girl learn from her mistakes she's almost grown" my mom says makes my dad grab his bible and stomp up the steps

"Ugh he's such a big baby" my mom says sighing making my dad come back down the steps

"I ain't a baby you the dang baby" he says pointing to my mom

"Ugh grow up" my mom says making my dad roll his eyes so hard

"You first" my dad says getting a drink out of the fridge

"I'm grown my bills are paid" my mom says making my dad groan again and walk up the steps

Causing me to laugh out loud loud but quickly frown because of what my dad had said

"Baby it's alright I'm glad you guys got back together" my mom says huggin me and sighing

"Just make sure he never hurts my baby again" she says brushing my hair out of my face

"Okay momma I won't I promise" I say smiling finally

"Okay let me go up stairs and get this cry baby right" she says walking up the stairs laughing causing me to laugh too

He won't hurt me again right?

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