"Now Ms. Snape, remember this the next time you have information you are asked to reveal." Umbridge said as I shakily stood from my desk.

My hand is covered in blood and the pain so strong. I turned to leave as quickly as possible.

"Oh, and your father would like to see you in his office as soon as possible." She said before I could fully walk out of the great hall.

Now that I'm away from the maniac, I finally let the tears fall as I looked down at my bloody hand. I heard a sharp gasp which made me look up. There, standing a few feet in front of me is Draco, with wide eyes staring at my hand in shock.

Through the blood and mess you could still make out the words.

"Haley." He whispered taking a step forward.

Before he could move any closer though I ran. I ran into a bathroom nearby to wash the blood off my hand hissing at the pain it caused.

Once I got the bleeding to stop, I gently patted my hand dry with a towel. The wound is so much worse than I previously thought. Seeing "I am nothing to Draco" both carved and burned into my hand made my heart clench. Especially being on the same hand I wear the bracelet he gave me.

I dried my eyes as best as I could before peeking out of the bathroom to make sure Draco wasn't there before walking to Severus' office.

I stood in the potions classroom in front of his office dreading going in. I took in a deep breath before pushing the office door open. There was Severus sitting at his desk like usual. He looked up at me and he's definitely not happy with me.

"Close the door and sit down." He told me and I complied now really nervous. "You haven't been in my class in days and I've only seen you once in the great hall."

"Yeah, it's called I was avoiding you."

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked sternly.

"Because I don't want to listen to you fucking lecture me." I got angry.

"Language." He hissed. "I wouldn't have to lecture you if you had just listened to me in the first place."

"So you can keep controlling my life, because you think you know what's best for me? Yeah, no thank you." I yelled.

"You are so stubborn just like your father." He grunted.

"Yeah my father, who is not you may I remind you." I sneered back.

"Because your real father is dead." He broke finally yelling. "Merlin's beard Haley. You're such a nuisance. Sometimes I wish I hadn't adopted you so I wouldn't have to deal with you."

I looked at him with wide eyes. Sure he and I fought but he's never said anything like that to me before.

"Haley." He gasped realizing what he said as tears welled up in my eyes for the second time today.

"Well if you don't want to deal with me, then fine, you won't have to anymore." I said before running out of his office and the classroom as I heard him call after me.

I wasn't really sure where I was running to, as tears blurred my vision, until after climbing a few flight of stairs someone stopped me. I looked up to see Draco standing in front of me once again holding my shoulders.

"Haley, please listen for a second." He begged.

"Why, so you can yell at me some more?" I asked.

"Haley please..."

"No Draco. Why are you even trying so hard? You don't care. I'm nothing to you remember?" I said through tears as I showed him the back of my hand and his eyes softened. "I'm nothing. You don't want to be my friend anymore. Everyone in our house hates me. Severus doesn't want to deal with me anymore and wishes he never took me in." I cried out.

I broke out of his grip and pushed past him but he grabbed my arm again.

"Draco stop." I cried out pushing him away from me. I then took the bracelet off my wrist and shoved it into his hands. "I'm done. I just wish I had told Harry the truth."

"What do you mean you're done?" He pleaded. I then saw Severus coming up the stairs behind him slowing his pace when he saw me.

"I'm done with both of you." I sneered at them, now that Severus could hear what I'm saying. "I'm done with this school." I started taking a few steps backwards. "And I'm done with my fucking life." I cried.

I turned and ran. I ran to the one place that most of my problems had been solved at over the school year.

I ran up the stairs of the astronomy tower as fast as I could. All I could hear is my heart pounding in my chest at what I'm about to do.

I got to the very top and ran to the railing Draco and I usually lean against, looking out at the view. But this time I'm not just going to look at the view.

I climbed over the railing, not letting go until I had a firm footing on the other side.

I stood there looking out at the beautiful view one last time before letting go of the railing. 

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