4. Bitter Memories!!

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Agastya couldn't comprehend anything happening around him at the given moment. His eyes were definitely playing trick with him. She can't be here, in front of him, thirteen years later!! No that can't be simply possible!! His lack of sleep is definitely taking a toll on him. The girl no it's the woman now in front of him who definitely causes extreme emotions to surge within him cannot be his new therapist. It has to be some kind of mirage.

Shaking his head again, he took one more look at his new counseller who was frowning and giving him weird look : You can't be Richa!!

Richa rolled her eyes : Then what do you expect me to be?? Some kind of ghost rider??

Agastya : Why are you here??

Richa : I can be anywhere I want mister. Who the hell are you to question me??

Agastya : I refuse to continue my sessions with you. I don't want you as my pyschologist.......

Richa : Well the door is always open for you to walk out any given moment.

Agastya snapped already being pissed off : Fuck you!!

Richa : Thanks but I have got better options than that!!

Agastya stood up glaring at her : I am leaving. Not interested in wasting my time with you........

Richa scoffed : Fortunately I feel the same way Mr. Rajwanshi!!

The answer she got in return was the slamming of her office door. Hard and loud!!

Richa muttered under her breath : What a jerk!!

She tossed his file aside in the lowermost drawer for the time being and asked Sneha to roll her next appointments for the day.

In the evening, Richa stretched her neck and shoulder muscles to relieve herself from the dull aching pain and grabbed her bag to leave for the day.

Standing at the balcony of her flat, Richa sipped her hot chocolate and gazed at the thinning out crowd. This city has changed so much in last thirteen years yet she feels it is the same as she had remembered while leaving. Her thoughts wandered to the events of last evening and she couldn't help but sigh remembering her first day at work. Never ever in her wildest dream, she thought she would meet Agastya again.

Hey Richa what's up!!


Why so glum friendy????

Pia please I am not in the mood to talk right now. Leave me alone for some time......

Alright!! I will be in canteen if you decide to chuck this depressing mood of your's.......

Ok. Listen Pia have you seen Agastya?????

Oh yes he was playing basketball with Ayush and Naman during lunch break. Right now I have no idea where will he be.............

Fine I will look for him myself.

With that, Richa went in search of Agastya and when she couldn't find him around the entire school campus, she lastly decided to check in the canteen. What she didn't knew was that the scene unfolding in canteen would crush her innocent heart so bad that she won't be able to pick up and join it's pieces back ever again.

Agastya was on his knees gripping Pia's both hands in his : Will you be my girlfriend Pia??

Tears automatically flowed like a waterfall from Richa's eyes when she saw Pia accepting his proposal. Without anyone's notice, she wiped her tears furiously and slipped out of the canteen to rush home and cry her heart out.

Was it so easy for him to throw her aside like a toy after playing?? He didn't even bothered to spare her a single glance when she was leaving. For claiming her to be the most special person of his life, Agastya Rajwanshi sure behaved totally opposite. Richa tried for thirteen long years to erase him from her memory but the more she tried, the more she couldn't do it. She tried dating during college but she ended up comparing every guy she went out with to that asshole.

Gosh why is it so hard for her to move on from him?? Why can't she just toss him aside like he did to her?? What is it in him that she couldn't bring herself to forget him completely?? Today seeing him after thirteen long years, she couldn't even control the fluttering in her stomach and heart for fuck sake!!

Richa's attention was drawn away by ringing of her phone. She smiled seeing the person calling.

Richa : Hey bro!!

Sahil : How is my lil sis??

Richa rolled her eyes : I am 29 bro so not little anymore!!

Sahil : For me you are. End of discussion!!

Richa chuckled : Missing me already????

Sahil : Naah I am infact so happy that you are gone. Now I have full of mum's attention all to myself. She even made my favourite butter chicken yesterday when I came home.

Richa scowled : Jackass!!

Sahil's laughter rumbled through the phone before he spoke again : Your bestie is just two minutes away from throttling me if I don't pass over the phone to her so talk to her now........

Richa : Sure!!

Beth : Ree how are you darling??

Richa sighed : Beth I miss you pumpkin

Beth : Awe don't make me cry now tomato. I miss you too!!!!!

She laughed hearing her brother's voice in the background : I swear you two are weird. Who calls their friend from a vegetable or fruit's name??

Beth giggled : Ignore him tomato!! You know how your brother is.

Richa snorted : Yeah he can be pain in the ass sometimes........

Beth teased back : Sometimes!! He is pain in the ass most of times!!

Sahil growled from background : I heard that!!

Beth : Good for you. Now shut up and let me talk to my sweet sister-in-law!! How is uncle doing Ree??

Richa : He is good and recovering!!

Beth : And how was your first day at work?? Mum said you had a busy day.......

Agastya's face flashed in front of her eyes and she had to practically shake her head to clear her mind : Yeah ok..... I mean it was fine!!

Beth : Something bothering you Ree??

Richa : Why would you ask that??

Beth : Because I can sense something is troubling you. You don't sound yourself suddenly!!

Richa sighed : No there's nothing. I am just tired and still adjusting to diurnal changes I guess.

Beth : Oh yeah that can happen. You go and sleep tomato. We can talk later!!

Richa : Alright text me when you are free......

Beth : Aye aye cappy!! Goodmorning..... Oh sorry my bad it's night there so goodnight!!

Richa giggled : Goodnight pumpkin!!

After ending the call, she washed her mug and went to sleep. Although being tired and tossing and turning for more than an hour, Richa couldn't keep her eyes closed for more than ten minutes as Agastya's face would start flashing like a movie tape in front of her eyes. Huffing and sitting up, she decided to watch a movie to divert her thoughts and somewhere around the early morning, she feel asleep.

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