What is he hiding

Start from the beginning

-Y/N: "I'm used to these kinds of things so don't worry baby. What is it that you need to take care of?"
-Mattia: "Business"


Mattia gets out of the car and walks to my side of the car and opens the door for me.
I get out. I went blind for a second...

-Y/N: "When tf did the paparazzi show up?!"

Damn they are fast to show up.

I cover my face with my hand as my other arm wraps mattia's arm. We walked inside the house. Once we walked in, I didn't see anyone I recongized.


-Ivan: "Miss L/N!"

A hispanic looking guy approches me. He had tattooes on his arm and neck as well as long shiny black hair styled in a man bun, with an eyebrow piercing. The first thing I noticed about him was his red tux. I could tell it was pretty expensive. Is he the one that owns this house?
I shake his hand.

-Mattia: "Ivan.."

Ivan looks at Mattia.

-Ivan: "Mattia..."

No hello? No hey?

All they said to each other was their names in a manly, serious tone as they stared at each other. When I firsted walked in the house, the energy was fine but that changed into an intense engery. I could tell Mr. Ivan was a bad guy. Something about him just tells me that he was bad news. Was it the tattooes on his arm or neck? Was it the eyebrow piercing?

-Y/N: "Is this your house?"

I break the intense staring between Mattia and Ivan.

Ivan's face changed all of sudden. It went from being serious, to having a smile on his face.

-Ivan: "Yes. Yes it is."

He smiles.

I smile back.

-Ivan: "It's such an honor to have such a beautiful famous model here" *Chuckles*

I look at Mattia. He had a little jealous smirk on his face...

-Y/N: "Well thank you Mr. Ivan!" *Smiles* "I'm  pretty sure theres other famous people who are bigger than me here" *Chuckles*

Ivan smirks.

-Ivan: "Unfortunately there isn't. Just you Miss L/N"

He had this evil smirk on his face. I was scared... who are these people? Why did everyone I see walk into this house all dressed up formal look as if they were famous?

As I was looking at Mr. Ivan evil smile, I heard someone shout out "Honey!" from the other room. I look over his shoulder and saw...

-Y/N: "Gianna!"

Gianna walks in the room carrying a little boy in her arms. She had on this dark red long dress, that had a slit showing her thigh.

-Gianna: "Y/N?!"

Is Mr. Ivan her baby daddy?

-Ivan: "What's wrong dear?"

Gianna walks up to Mr. Ivan.

-Gianna: "What are they doing here honey?"

I look at mattia.

-Mattia: "Ivan, I came here to talk."

Talk? Talk about what! I was so confused that it was making me mad. Who is this Ivan guy! Why did you say we were going to your friends house if he doesn't even look like your friend! Who's child is Gianna holding?

-Ivan: "Give me a second Mattia." *Turns to face Gianna* "What's wrong dear? Is prince not able to sleep again?"

Prince is the kids name?

-Gianna: "Prince is already asleep. I need you to make me a milk for Roy"

There's another kid!?

Ivan nods. He looks at Mattia in the eyes giving him a sign to follow him. Mattia turns to face me.

-Mattia: "Will you be fine here alone?"


-Y/N: "Yes" *Nervously laughs*
-Mattia: "Call me if you need anything or if someone..." *Looks at Gianna* "is bothering you"

Gianna lets out a little laugh.

Mattia follows Ivan to another room.

-Gianna: "It's been 5 years since we last saw each other"

Gianna places down the little boy.

-Gianna: "Go to your room baby. I'll be up there with the milk in a few" *Smiles*

The boy leaves...

WORD COUNT: 1113 (Fuck school🙄)

Tf- The fuck
L/N- Last Name

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