The forbidden world

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Who would've thought I would make it all the way to Tokyo city. I sure wouldn't. All I know is that I'm here now. That's all that matters. Will anyone suspect me if I take shelter near a market? I mean it's only for a day. I might as well go. Asylum guards...probably looking for me. Eh they can't see me from here. Wait..they aren't looking for me are they? They just..stapled? Something to the wall. Let them move on and I'll check it out.

It's about time people! That took long. Anyways..onto looking at that.

"Have you seen this man?"

"He is a dangerous-


Psychopath? Psychopath?! They- stop. They're going to- STOP IT ACE! ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOO- THEY ARE GOING TO PAY.
I slammed my fist onto the ground so hard it started bleeding but I guess "Psychopaths don't feel pain" am I right? Pfft society will never understand me. I gotta calm myself down because if I lash out not murder. I'm not like that.

It's like I have mild DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) like..two personalities. But that's not how I like to think of it, and it's simply because,

People called me a monster. But what they don't realize is that I, myself, Ace, am not a monster. I simply have a monster inside of me waiting to be released from it's infinite cage. But even when I tell them that they still don't understand. They still call me a monster..AND MAYBE THAT'S WHAT TRIGGERS- never mind, never mind. I shouldn't be thinking about all of that.

It feels good to be released from that prison of depression, anxiety, and fear. Out into the forbidden world. The one I wasn't allowed to be in. Tokyo is peaceful. The rain trickles down the walls of this alley way. It almost feels like it washes away my thoughts..all of them. It isn't a bad thing. Clearing my mind brings the peace that I rarely have. Sometimes..sometimes I'm purely sad, because no one ever has or will ever understand me. But this place is peaceful, this place is calming. This place is the once forbidden world.

374 words
Short chapter again. I'll see if I'll release a longer one someday.
Hope you enjoyed :]

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