"You said you'd brew us some blue lotus flowers, got any on you?" Urahara asked.

"'Course! I always come prepared," Shinji said with a grin as he procured the flowers from his pocket.

"I've been needing to really unwind," Yoruichi said. "Let me get a teapot from the kitchen." In a flash, she was gone.

"What happened?" Urahara asked.

"She came up to me and was trying to get me to dance but knocked my cup out of my hands. Then Aizen came over and grabbed her wrist, actin' all tough and possessive."

"Maybe he's jealous?"

Shinji shook his head. "Nah, that's not it. He's not so simple a man to let jealousy impact him. It has to be somethin' else."

"Well, that's not good."

"And she's all over him. I just don't get it."

Urahara and Shinji both looked at Ayame dancing sensually in front of Aizen.

"What if he hurts her, Kisuke?"

"Aizen certainly has a darkness to him, but I don't think he'd stoop that low, Shinji."

"If he does, and I find out about it, I'll kill 'em."

Yoruichi appeared with a teapot. "Got it! Full of hot water too!"

"With as drunk as you are, I'm amazed you managed to get back here with any water still left!" Urahara laughed.

"Listen here, I maybe be drunk but my shunpo is still the fastest in Seireitei."

"It has to be. Who else would give that little Kuchiki kid a run for his money?" Urahara teased.

Shinji laughed as he sprinkled the flowers in the pot.

"Good job, Kisuke, you managed to get a laugh outta him!"

"Once we drink this tea, I'm sure more will follow," Shinji responded, pouring three glasses.


Urahara and Shinji sat slumped against the couch as Yoruichi danced around in front of them.

"You two are so boring. Let's go to the dancefloor!" Yoruichi exclaimed, grabbing both of the men's hands and pulling them to their feet.

"Guess I can't say no to a pretty lady," Urahara said, turning to his friend. "Come on, Shinji. It'd do you some good."

"They're still out there," Shinji responded with a grimace.

"Then let's give them a show!" Yoruichi said, pulling Shinji behind her.

When they got to the dancefloor, Yoruichi put her arms around Shinji's neck. She guided his movements in a seductive manner and Shinji couldn't help but crack a smile.

"See, it's not so bad," Yoruichi purred in his ear.

The two swayed in rhythm as Urahara watched happily from the food table, where he was munching on imagawayaki.

"Do you trust me?" Yoruichi asked Shinji.

"'Course I do."

"Then follow my lead."

Yoruichi brushed her nose against Shinji's and kissed his lips gently. Shinji was startled at first, but went with it, pulling her closer, still swaying to the music. Yoruichi pulled away and grinned.

"Not that I dislike the attention, but what was that for?" Shinji asked.

"She was looking our way. She's not anymore," Yoruichi replied proudly.

"That's good at least."

"She looks a little upset now," Urahara said, stepping toward the two.

"So do you, Kisuke," Shinji said with a grin.

"I'm feeling left out is all!"

"A wise man once told me 'the more the merrier', so get yer ass over here," Shinji grinned, grabbing his friend and pulling him closer.

The trio danced together, enjoying themselves quite a bit. Unbeknownst to them, Aizen had caught on to the trio's game and was playing one of his own.

He guided Ayame to a couch nearby and pulled her down on his lap, kissing her passionately.

"My my, Sosuke-kun, what's gotten into you? Aren't you worried about your reputation?" Ayame laughed, pulling away.

"I'm bewitched by your radiating beauty," he replied, pulling her in for another kiss.

Ayame let her fingers tangle in her boyfriend's brown locks and mumbled a sigh. Aizen wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer so she was straddled over his lap.

"My god, do they have to go at it right there?" Shinji grumbled to his friends.

"Don't let them get the upper hand. Kiss me again," Yoruichi purred, twisting a strand of Shinji's hair in her fingers. "Or, better yet, kiss Kisuke. Show her you've got two people who are crazy about you!

"This seems more like a ploy to get me to go home with the both of ya, Yoruichi-san. Ya sure this'll really work?"

"Trust her, Shinji. She clearly still cares about you, so it'll drive her mad to see you happy and enjoying yourself with not one, but two people who aren't her," Urahara said. "Besides, who knows, maybe you'll decide you do want to come home with us after all." He wiggled his eyebrows as he teased.

"Oh, shut up." Shinji grabbed the collar of Urahara's robes and pulled him into a kiss. Their warm lips danced as Urahara grabbed Shinji's face.

"Damn, I'm getting turned on just watching. Maybe we should steal you for the night," Yoruichi said, watching the two men lock lips in front of her.

"This blue lotus is some crazy shit, I told ya," Shinji smirked as he pulled away. "C'mere, kitty."

Yoruichi stepped closer and locked lips with Shinji again. Her hands placed on his chest, his fingers pulling at her short purple hair. Urahara stood behind Yoruichi, holding her hips.

Over on the couch, Ayame pulled away from Aizen and scowled when she saw what was happening on the dancefloor. "I wanna keep dancing, Sosuke-kun. We can finish this later."

Aizen agreed, standing up and following his girlfriend to the dancefloor again. He pulled her towards him, kissing her on the forehead.

Shinji kept dancing with Yoruichi and Urahara, all thoughts of Ayame slipping from his mind. Maybe it was the sake, or the blue lotus, or a mix of the two, but he was consumed with their presence. Maybe going home with them wasn't the worst idea.

"Let's do it."

"Hrm?" Yoruichi asked, still dancing.

"Take me back to yer place."

Urahara laughed loudly. "Yoruichi-san, you owe me 600 yen (*equivalent to about $5 USD*) I knew he'd come around sooner or later."

Yoruichi sighed. "I never thought I'd see the day."

"Guess ya need to pay up, Yoruichi," Shinji laughed. "Although I'm not sure how much I like the idea of ya bettin' on me."

"Let me show you exactly how much you'll like it," Urahara smirked, grabbing his friend's hand.

"This is gonna be fun," Yoruichi said, following behind.

The trio walked right past Aizen and Ayame, much to her dismay, and out the door.

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