Juliet smiled at him, taking the jacket. "Yeah, that heavy of a jacket, so thank you."

The blonde nodded and then walked to the front of the table, throwing a jacket to Frypan and then threw one at Gally. "Here. See if these fit."

The boys thanked him as he walked over to sit at the other table. Juliet drew her attention over to where Thomas and Teresa were at, hearing part of their conversation about Brenda and how she said that it wasn't possible for someone that has been bitten to survive that long without serum. She furrowed her eyebrows, sitting up straighter as she got more curious about what Teresa was saying.

"She should've turned by now. There's no way she could possibly still..."

"Alright, that's enough." Thomas stops her, getting up from his chair. Teresa stood up. "You don't believe me?"

Thomas stopped walking to the table Juliet, Frypan, and Gally were at to turn around to face Teresa. "Do you really expect me to? You made your choice."

Gally walked over to the two of them. "Everything okay over here?"

Thomas nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, we're done." He then turns away and walks over to the table Brenda was standing at, putting on his jacket.

"Just be careful." Brenda told him as she put bullets into a gun. "You sort of have this problem where you can't walk away from people. Even when you should."

She looked at him, shaking her head and handed him the gun. "You can't save everyone, Thomas."

He stayed quiet for a minute before he nodded. "I can try."


They split off into separate groups. Thomas and Newt were pretending to be WICKED guards sending Teresa back in as Teresa took them to where Minho was. While that was happening Gally was going to get the serum for Newt and free the 28 kids and then lead them to where Brenda and Juliet would have the bus and Frypan was going to help the girls out along the way.

"You ever stolen a bus before?" Brenda asked, glancing over at Juliet as they sneaked across the street to a bus that was parked nearby. Juliet shook her head. "Never."

Brenda smirked. "Well, Julie, you're about to." She got to the door of the bus just when Juliet noticed two guards had saw them get to the bus.

"Bren, we gotta go." Juliet informed her, gesturing to the guards that saw them and that made Brenda get into the bus quicker, pulling her in with her. Juliet quickly shut the door while Brenda got in the drivers seat, putting the keys into the ignition and started the bus.

"Alright, hold onto something." Brenda told her, putting on her seat belt as she quickly drove past the guards that were starting to chase after them while Juliet tightly held onto the railing on her right and the back of the seat Brenda was sitting in.

Juliet got the walkie-talkie out of her jacket pocket when she heard a noise. "Julie, where are you guys? I'm at the place. We need to hurry." Gally said.

"Don't worry, Gally. We're on our way." She reassured him.

A few minutes later they arrive in the parking garage where Gally and the 28 kids were waiting for them. Juliet opened the window she was standing by and she smirked at Gally. "Told you we were on our way."

Gally playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. " Brenda then gestured for everyone to get in. "Come on, let's go."

"Alright, let's go, let's go." Gally said to the kids and they followed him to the other side of the bus where the door was. Juliet pressed a button, opening the door for them and she and Brenda stood near the door, making sure each kid got on.

"Front and back, front and back. Let's go." Gally told the kids.

Juliet furrowed her eyebrows noticing Thomas, Newt and Minho wasn't with him. She shared a look with Brenda before she looked at Gally. "Gally, where's Thomas, Newt and Minho?"

Gally looked at her with confusion. "I was hoping they were with you two."

Juliet's eyes grow wide, not liking hearing that. That meant the boys were still in the WICKED building. She went to walk down the steps off the boat, but Gally stopped her. "Wait, stay here with Brenda and the kids. Wait here...I'll go find them." He reassured both of them, putting on his guard mask to cover his face.

"Just wait for us, okay?" He asked before he started running out of the parking garage.

"We're not going anywhere." Brenda replied, shaking her head.

They waited in the parking garage for a few minutes before Juliet looked over at Brenda. "We shouldn't just wait here while they're out there risking their lives."

Brenda nodded her head in agreement as she turned the bus on. "I agree. Let's do something about it." She glanced back at the kids. "Okay, everyone just hold on."

Brenda drove out of the parking garage and onto the street. They were driving for a few seconds when Juliet noticed a security car driving by them. "Bren, I think they know we stole the bus."

Brenda's eyes grew wide when she noticed they were trying to block her from driving the rest of the road. "Yeah, okay, everyone hold on!"

Brenda drives onto a different road, luckily missing that security car, but then another one came up behind them and drove up right next to them. Juliet holds onto the back of Brenda's seat and the railing besides her when Brenda drives into the security car, trying to drive them off the road.

The impact makes the bus rattle and Juliet looks back at the kids. "Is everyone okay?" She asked, and in response she heard most of them say yeah.

Brenda sends the security car flying over on its side, stopping other security cars from going after them. Brenda and Juliet let out a cheer, happy that worked.

"That was awesome!" Juliet grinned, patting Brenda on the shoulder.

"Yeah it was!" Brenda grinned back at her. Looking back at the road, she continued driving until Juliet suddenly shouted, "Stop, Bren! Stop!"

Brenda immediately pressed her foot on the breaks, her eyes widening when she saw that there were security cars blocking their path. She and Juliet looked behind them noticing more security cars drove up, trapping them.

"That's not good." Brenda mumbled.

A/N I honestly liked writing this chapter (: I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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