Chapter 5

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Feeling the blood rush in her head she felt as if her breath was literally taken away from her.


She blinked rapidly, the ever collecting moisture in her eyes coating them to the extent the tears started to fall down her face.

Both presences in the room stood still looking at each other.

Neither of them able to come up with the words to start the conversation knowing that either one of them would snap, most likely Jac.

Soon enough she found the courage.

The courage to move soon found her and she walked briskly over to him chucking her arms around his neck and kissing him with such passion it almost took his breath away.

The kiss was heavenly, a dream almost.

A dream which both of them wanted to be their forever.

Their reality.

His hands dragged gently through her copper hair as the kiss came to a natural end allowing them to look at each other in the eyes.

None of them spoke.

Instead, she took his hand and laid on the bed, she tapped the space next to her and he shuffled beside her.

Jac rested her head on Kian's chest listening to him breathe in and out as he massaged her scalp gently.

Soon enough he started to feel dampness on his shirt, he gently took a couple of his fingers and hooked them under Jac's chin to guide her face up to his seeing the tears smarting her eyes and gliding down her cheeks.

Kian used his thumb to wipe the tears and he kissed her on the top of her head as she settled down on his chest again.

"I'm sorry"

"Dont apologise"

"I should have told you"

"I should have told you things as well"

"You think?" she scoffs him a steely glare as she sits up cross-legged on the bed "You looked after my child drugged up to your eyeballs and all you can bring yourself to say is 'I should have told you things as well'?"

"Jac you obviously asked Fletch and Sacha to talk to me for a reason" he ignores her obvious jibe, she just sniffles slightly "Talk to me, I'm here, for you"

"Like you were once before?"

"Yes, like I was before" he confirms, she eyes him up and bites her lip, her teeth sinking down into her bottom lip as she stands up and walks over the window which she sits on the window sill "So speak to me?"

"There's nothing to say, I just wanted to see you"


" doesn't matter" she mutters dismissively "I've been in this position before and I will get through it and to be honest I dont know why I asked you here, you should go"

"Come on Jac dont push me away" he sighs in annoyance at her persistence not to say anything "You obviously want to speak to me otherwise you wouldnt have asked me here"

"Shut up" she snaps glaring at him, he slides off the bed and walks over to her "Dont you dare touch me otherwise I will scream and shout and have you removed"

He just looks at her trying to compose herself, her voice wavering rather dramatically and vividly in front of his eyes.

Gingerly he reaches out and touches her hand careful not to push too far but to his surprise, she linked her fingers around his almost gripping on for dear life maybe in a brief attempt to ground herself.

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