Chapter 79: Cipher Admin Theta's First Victim

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'Yes, Nascour? How was your visit with Nore?'

'He came to kill me, ma'am. I was going to pretend I don't remember a thing, but I've decided to tell the police all I know about Cipher.'



It was impossible for Chalcedony to guess how much time was passing. As it always did with nothing to do but face her thoughts, it felt like days, but it could only be hours. She was there for a reason. Whoever ordered her capture would check on her eventually. Would it be Ardos? Kidnapping her as soon as she was out of his brother's sight? She didn't really care whether or not she freed her hands, because she knew she couldn't escape, but she continued to rub at the rope just to pass the time. It was finally beginning to fray when she heard footsteps. No voices. Only angry footsteps.

A key was rammed into the lock. It laboriously turned. Metal screeched. Chalcedony found herself facing shiny black loafers that met plum trousers. She smelled cologne. Ein's icy indigo eyes glared down at her. His Rhyperior dragged her down a dim corridor flanked by empty cells. Unlike the prison at Ein's Phenac City lab, these cells were separate rooms behind doors, to prevent prisoners speaking to each other.

Ein returned Rhyperior. He seized Chalcedony by the armpits to board the platform. They arrived at sleek sliding doors. Light spilled from a blue neon sign announcing Gallego Labs. The doors swished open. Rhyperior was sent back out to drag Chalcedony through the lobby. Theta sipped wine on a couch. She smirked.

More doors opened. Rhyperior dumped Chalcedony on the floor of a blue-tinted room where everything, from the walls to floor to furniture, was cold steel. In its centre was a durable chair. Ein hauled Chalcedony onto it. He cut off the rope binding her limbs and pulled the chair's built-in straps around her.

'I'm afraid I can't promise a fast death. My dear Theta is still upset about the Gym Challenge and your meddling at our lab. I am, however, merciful enough to tell you who your DNA sample matched... and you will die wondering why they never wanted you.'

'They probably thought I'd end up in this exact spot, dude.'

'No, Chalcedony. They gave up on you. They let you go.'

Ein took his radio from his belt to call Theta. There was no response. He turned for a moment. If Chalcedony could somehow break free of the chair, there was a chance she could overpower Ein. Her eyes were on a metal bar. That would do it if her fists wouldn't. She knew she ran faster than Theta. Her Manectric was too weak to chase anyone.

Chalcedony had some room to move her arms. Her fingers inched towards the end of the strap, where it was hooked to a bolt. Ein suddenly spun. He yanked her arm back into her lap.

'Wahahahah! You foolish child. If only you had your Pokémon, perhaps you could overpower our security guards. You would still struggle to find your way out of our lair.'

Footsteps clip-clopped. An electronic lock beeped. The door slammed shut behind Theta. Chalcedony's eyes were on the key card around her neck. She giggled.

'Ooh, you silly girl. You really think you can escape, don't you?'

Theta took a knife from the pockets of her new lab coat. The polished blade gleamed.

'I so wanted to kill your horrible boyfriend, but you so had to spoil my fun, didn't you? Oh well. Now you can savour your role in our new Orre. Cipher Admin Theta's first victim!'

Chalcedony stopped scanning the room for potential ways out. She didn't want to give Theta the satisfaction of knowing she wanted to survive. The knife abruptly pierced her forearm. Theta had never cut or stabbed anyone before. She didn't know whether she was being too forceful or not. Blood stained Chalcedony's shirt. Theta watched her. She awaited a reaction. There was none. The knife sank into her other arm. It twisted. Sweat drenched Chalcedony's palms as she forced herself not to wince.

'Oh, this is so boring. Let's just kill her already, daddy.'

'As you wish.'

Theta held the knife to her throat. Blood trickled. Ein released his Shadow Gyarados. Theta released Sylveon and Gallade. Chalcedony's eyes were fixed on the door. She wasn't sure if it was blood loss or panic blurring her vision. Voices echoed. She wasn't sure if they were in her head, either. Gallade stepped into her line of sight. It raised its blades. Theta's bubblegum-scented breath was warm on her neck and the knife's blade.

'Your ugly boyfriend's Pokémon is so going to kill you now, little girl.'

Something shattered. The room was flooded with light. Was Chalcedony already dead? No. She heard Theta shriek. The knife clattered to the floor. Gallade was sucked into a Quick Ball. Ein was spread-eagled on the floor. A hurtling fireball crushed a crumbling computer. There were undoubtedly more voices in the corridor, but a lone silhouette blocked the blown-open doorway.

'Back the fuck off of my daughter.'

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