14. Unforgivable Curses

Start from the beginning

"So.... which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!?"


"Stand! Give us a curse"

"well, my dad, who works at the ministry, told me about one. The imperious curse?"

"Yes, your father would know all about that one. Gave the ministry a bit of trouble a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why"

He walked over to his desk and got a small scorpion spider out then made it bigger. He put the curse on it and made it go onto Neville's and Dean's desk, causing people to giggle and laugh. He then made it go on Crabbe's forehead. He then made it go on Padma's hand which made her nearly scream before making it go and land on Ron's head. 

"What are you laughing at!?"

He made it go onto Draco's face which caused him to desperately grab my arms as he panicked, telling me to get it off him.

"Ha ha ha, what should I have 'er do next? Jump out the window?........"

He made it slam into the piece of glass on the side of the class.

"Drown herself?"

He put her just above a bucket of water. Then he made her come back to him and held her in his hand, ridding her of the curse.

"You see, lots of witches and wizards claim that they were only doing you-know-who's bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. So how do we sort out the liars?"

People started putting up their hands, including....... Neville. He was hesitant to at first.

"Longbottom, is it?"

Neville stood up.

"Professor sprout tells me you have a knack for Herbology."

He nodded before saying.

"there's the....... the cruciartis curse."

"Correct, correct! Come, come."

He went to his desk and put the insect down, Neville walking up to his desk then stood looking down on the bug.


As the bug squealed in pain, Neville gripped Moody's desk so hard that his knuckles went white. I could see the pain in his eyes as he attempted to look away. His breathing got shaky and I was forced to step in.


He looked at me, then at Neville and stopped. Neville was still staring at the desk with that same look in his face even when Moody took the bug over to me.

"And perhaps you can give up the last unforgivable curse, miss Little?"

I shook my head as I looked at the bug he now had placed on my desk.

"the killing curse. Avada kedavra!"

The bug gave one last little squeal and then laid upside down, dead on my desk. I looked back over to Neville and saw that he was still in the same spot as before, staring down at the desk. As I was about to say something, the bell went and I got up then walked over to Neville. 

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