" Dinner at my place tonight? I have something I need to tell you. S "

She felt her stomach drop and an uneasy feeling wash over her as she read the text. She tried to push it away, knowing that could mean a million things, but she couldn't stop her brain from coming up with all of the worst scenarios. She shook off her nerves after a few minutes and shakily typed out her response.

"Sounds great. I'll be there. Need me to bring anything? "

She sat with her face buried in her hands as she waited for the response.

" Just you and your pretty face. See you around 7. "

Stella's reply instantly brought a smile to Dana's face, and she felt some of the tension she was feeling let up. She laid her phone face down and went back to grading her papers, eager to get them done in decent time so that she could leave early. It was her and Stella's four month anniversary, and she wanted to have time to run home and freshen up before heading to Stella's.

A little over an hour later Dana had finally finished grading her papers, and quickly gathered her things to leave. She locked the office door behind her, trying to ignore the dull ache in her head as she fast walked through the hallway. It was still ten minutes to five and she knew she had plenty of time, but she couldn't help the anxiety that filled her. She just wanted to be home.

By the time 6:30 came around Dana had finished getting ready, and she was waiting impatiently until it was time for her to leave. She didn't feel capable of sitting still, so she went around trying to get her things together to leave. She tried to move slowly, hoping she could kill time that way, but the minutes were passing like molasses.

When 6:45 finally rolled around she sighed in relief, and made her way out of her apartment building and started to walk to Stella's flat.


Stella had been in the kitchen from the minute she got home. She never really cooked, and she suddenly thought that this had been a terrible idea. She was making lasagna, and while she could've done much worse, she knew it was not turning out the way it was meant to. She didn't have time to stress over it, though, so she just pushed forward and kept working.

It made her laugh for a moment, when she evaluated the reality of what she was doing. Cooking and being domestic like this had never been a part of her reality, but when it came to Dana, everything was different. Stella would move mountains for that woman, and suddenly there just wasn't anything she wouldn't do for her. She wasn't sure of anything anymore, other than her love for Dana.

Stella put the dish into the oven, and had just started washing dishes when she heard her buzzer. Her stomach instantly dropped and she tried to push the nerves away.

It's just Dana, she thought.

She made her way over to the door and hesitated before opening it. "Dana." She hummed, feeling pure contentment at the sight of her.

"Stella." Dana copied, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on the corner of the blonde's mouth. "Something smells lovely." She stated as she stepped into the flat.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now