Jim had been on his way back to his office after heating up his own lunch when he ran into Dana, so he started to eat while the two women got settled. Stella had Dana sit in her chair, not loving the idea of her sitting next to Jim. She really didn't want him around her at all.

They started pulling their food out of the bag and realized there were no forks or spoons. Stella sighed, and looked out into the hallway. "Okay, well we have some in the employee lounge. I'll be right back." She said, kissing the top of Dana's head. She knew it would be fine, and she'd only be gone a few minutes, but she still felt uneasy. She didn't want to leave Dana on her own.

As she sat across from the grey haired man, Dana recalled an incident Stella had told her about one night, about him showing up to her hotel room drunk and making advances. He had forcefully tried to kiss her, despite her clearly saying no, many times. She also recalled that the story ended with stella nearly breaking his nose. That, she thought, was true poetic justice. Even sitting across from him now she'd like to do the same, except she'd be sure to break it.

She knew she had only just met this man, but her disdain for him already ran deep. From what Stella had told her about him he seemed odd, and potentially dangerous. He was obviously obsessed with Stella, and that made her uneasy. She remembered Stella telling her about the time he'd snapped at her stating that she "has no idea the effect she has on men," and continuing on to say that he would've left his "wife, kids, everything" for her. An odd thing to say to someone. Even just the way he inserted himself into their lunch plans reinforced that there was little to like about this man.

She sat silently in thought, and hadn't noticed he'd been staring at her. "So how long have you known Stella?" He asked, startling her as he broke the silence.

"Oh... Uh, We met a year ago. We've been... together... for a little over ten months, though." She hesitated as she defined the nature of their relationship, she wasn't totally sure how much Stella had told her colleagues, or how much she wanted them to know. Jim nodded and Scully didn't miss the misplaced look of envy on his face.

Before either of them could say anything more Stella came back into the office, plastic cutlery in hand. "For you, my love." She stated, handing her girlfriend a set. Dana couldn't help the quickening of her heartbeat at the thought of Stella calling her love , in front of a colleague no less. She smiled up at her warmly.

Stella stepped around to the other side of her desk, and dragged the empty chair around so that she was next to Dana. She put her arm around her partner tightly, glancing over to the man still sitting on the other side of her desk.

She could see in his eyes that their embrace made him uncomfortable, only causing a smirk to paint her face as she rolled her eyes.

Jim was certainly the kind of man who would get off on lesbian porn, Stella thought, despite his homophobia oozing out of him as they sat in front of him. He's definitely the kind of man who is disgusted by gay men, and disapproves of seeing two women in love, but in his private time fetishizes it.

Realizing it was already 12:15 Stella shook her head and decided not to waste anymore time or thought on the pouty man who was intruding on their lunch. Much to Dana's surprise Stella suddenly leaned in to place a gentle, loving kiss on her lips. It was quick, but it was soft and loving and everything she was needing after a long stressful morning.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now