"I just don't like the way it fits." Dana mumbled, averting her eyes from Stella's gaze in the mirror.

"What, why? You look amazing." She protested before looking back to check that Ellie was still watching TV on their bed. She moved her face closer to Dana's, "Delicious, actually." She whispered in her ear.

Dana felt goosebumps spread across her arms and smiled lightly. "You're just saying that." She murmured, leaning in to line her lips with red. "No, I'm not. You look incredible." Stella planted a kiss on her cheek, and then stepped away to put on her own costume.

She wasn't big into dressing up, so she went as the same thing every single year; A witch in a simple black dress.

Dana turned and stared at the blonde in front of her. "So beautiful." She whispered to herself, though not out of Stella's earshot. The blonde raised her eyes slowly to smile at the breath-taking redhead in front of her. "Says you." She hummed, walking over to the mirror to fix her makeup.


Once both women were finished getting ready they made their way back into their bedroom to see their daughter still laying on her belly watching Winnie the Pooh .

"Ready to go, love?" Stella asked, immediately drawing an excited squeal from the small redhead. "I'll take that as a yes." Dana laughed, grabbing her purse off a chair in the corner.

Stella took a moment to gawk at her partner. Dana had on a stunning red leather dress that complimented the devil horns and her red locks beautifully. Her maroon boots were thigh high, leaving just a sliver of skin showing between them and the bottom of the dress.

"You look perfect." She said quietly into her ear as she wrapped her arm around her hip, following both of her tiny redheads out of the room.

Stella wore the same thing she wore every year, yet she still looked perfectly stunning herself. Her blonde curls freshly touched up flowing underneath a simple, black silky witches hat. Her black dress was floor length and sheer, revealing a much tighter black lace dress underneath. Her black stilettos made her an extra few inches taller than her partner.


As soon as they arrived at the carnival they stopped at a small booth for hot chocolate. Dana and Stella got one to share, but got Ellie her own as she was notorious for backwash.

Stella insisted on getting a picture of her girls before they went on with their evening. Dana protested for only a minute, before realizing she couldn't say no to her love. Stella snapped her picture and smiled down at it for a few moments, before taking the redhead's hand into her own.

They followed their little firecracker around watching as she stopped at each booth that was set up to get candy. She confidently approached each person passing out candy and held her bag out with a loud, "trick or treat!"

After a while Dana noticed there was a booth near the entrance to the actual corn maze that had a man wearing some kind of monster mask, and elbowed Stella to get her attention.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now