"We have a surprise," the younger girl added. Jisoo raised an eyebrow at the couple, but made her way around the back of the apartment to get the other two girls.

Pretty soon, all five best friends sat in the living room. Jennie, Somi, and Jisoo were all squished onto the couch, while Chaeyoung sat in the small chair with Lisa perched precariously on the arm rest.

"You're not like... dying, right?" Somi asked, genuine concern spreading across her face. Lisa couldn't help but giggle, shaking her head and looking over at Chaeyoung once more. She had the envelopes tucked in the large pocket of her hoodie, waiting for the right moment to reveal them to her former roommates.

"Nope. We're perfectly healthy," Chaeyoung laughed. Jisoo cocked her head to the side, while Jennie just stared at them in confusion.

Lisa took this as the perfect opportunity, looking at Chaeyoung for approval before hopping to her feet and padding over to the couch. She pulled the envelopes out, quickly handing the correct one to each girl. Biting her lip nervously, the younger girl hurried back over to Chaeyoung's side.

"What is this? The stone age?" Jisoo laughed, holding up the envelope. "Why didn't you just text us?"

"Who even sends letters anym-?" Jennie began, but was cut off when Somi squealed and startled the other girls. The youngest girl hopped up from the couch, crossing the room in record time and practically tackling the girls into a hug.

"The fuck?" Jisoo and Jennie both exchanged confused glances before racing to get their envelopes open. Moments later, Jennie's jaw practically dropped to the ground and Jisoo gasped, bringing the card up closer to her face to make sure she'd read it correctly.

"Falling!" Lisa squealed, suddenly losing her balance on the arm of the couch and stumbling backwards. Luckily, she caught herself before she fell to the ground, but by the time Jennie and Jisoo caught up to her and wrapped her in a hug, she tripped over her own two feet and ended up sending all three of them down to the ground.

Lisa burst into laughter, allowing Jisoo to help her back up to her feet. She glanced over at Chaeyoung, who was still being held in a tight hug by Somi. When the girl pulled away, Jennie and Jisoo immediately wrapped Chaeyoung in a hug while Somi held her arms out for Lisa.

After the five girls finally pulled away, Chaeyoung and Lisa stole a quick glance at one another. Lisa giggled giddily, looking shyly down at the ground.

"I can't believe it's been almost four years," Jennie laughed, shaking her head. "I never would have seen this coming if you told me four years ago, that's for sure." Lisa blushed, scooting closer to Chaeyoung and leaning against her girlfriend.

"What's going on with the wedding?" Jennie asked, picking up the invitation and studying it once more.

"It's in Busan. We're just doing a small little ceremony in my parent's backyard. Nothing too fancy," Chaeyoung shrugged, pulling Lisa into her side.

"We'll be there," Jisoo nodded, pulling Chaeyoung into another hug. "Look at us, growing up and shit," she laughed and crinkled her nose. "Pretty soon you'll be popping out babies."

Lisa's eyes widened, remembering her conversation with Maia and Toby. She decided on keeping her mouth shut, though, knowing the reaction she had earned from her other friends.

"Let's just focus on one thing at a time," Chaeyoung laughed, squeezing Lisa's arm when she noticed the younger girl stiffen. "Now all we have to do is find you two dates and then we can all get married and wreck havoc in suburban Seoul," she teased, winking at Jennie and Jisoo.

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