Long days and dresses

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Wilbur was hurting her, so much more then she really though was humanly possible.

But, she did want him to experience happiness again.

At least before he completely loses his mind, which could be any day now.

Y/n looked back at him.

Guilt filled her.

She felt bad for Will. All he ever wanted was her, and the only people she went for was anyone but him.

She also realized that other people also caused them to have a rift in their relationship.

Phil, he gave her away to Eret and disregarded all of Wilbur's feelings about it.

Eret, he pushed Wilbur away from her and denied them contact.

Techno, he was on y/ns side. He really wanted to see her happy.

It wasn't that Wilbur didn't want to see her happy, he definitely did, but it was in his own way.

He wanted her to be happy with him and no one else.

Sadly for Wilbur, y/n didn't catch the feeling he really wanted her to catch. Instead, she sought out others.

But at the end of the day, it's not her fault.

She can't force herself to love someone.

Believe me, she tried to already.

And we all know how that turned out.

Y/n was removed from the thoughts when she felt a had on her cheek.

Oh yeah she's still in bed with Wilbur.

She looked up at Will again, he had a soft smile in his face.

"Morning, love." Will said in a raspy voice.

"M-morning." Y/n responded back, embarrassed that she had been thinking about other things for so long.

"Awww is my little y/n embarrassed?"

Y/n shook her head no, but her face said otherwise.

"Aww it's ok n/n! I don't judge you my love!" Wilbur spoke softly.

Y/n almost felt as ease.


Something seemed off. Like it wasn't supposed to be this.

She just shrugged it off for now.

Wilbur pulled her in closer, he put in nose into the crook of her neck and put his hands on her waist.

Y/n put her arms on Wilbur back, giving him a hug of sorts.

The pair laid in bed, once in awhile Wilbur would kiss her neck a little or he would snuggle into it.

Y/n just stared off into space, thinking about everything and anything else she could.

"I love you." Will whispered.

Y/n froze.

What was she supposed to say?

Was she supposed to lie again?

Y/n mentally kicked herself before responding.

"I-I love you too Will." She whispered back.

She could feel Wilbur's smile against her skin.

"Only two more weeks, my dear." Wilbur practically giggled.

"Can't wait..."


Y/n stood in the mirror.

She felt pretty?

The dress Niki had put her in was gorgeous to say the least.

The long, white dress flowed around her beautifully and the small flower accents were a nice touch, as were the tule sleeves that gracefully adorned her arms.

Y/n was in awe to say the least.

"Wow, you look stunning, y/n!" Niki giggled.

Although the two had hardly ever spoken, Niki and y/n were already becoming close friends.

Y/n gave a small twirl, leaving the two in a giggling mess.

"What are you two doing?" Techno asked as he walked into the room.

The pair looked back at each other, then burst out laughing again.

Techno stood in the room confused.

Women? Techno didn't know.

Y/n finally calmed down enough to speak.

"Niki is helping me pick out a dress!" Y/n said through small giggles.

Niki just nodded her head, not wanting to accidentally laugh again.

"Well it looks...nice." Techno responded.

"Thank you, Techno! I think I'm gonna try one more on."

Techno nodded and left.

Niki looked at y/n with a confused looked.

"But y/n, dear you look so pretty? What wrong with this dress?"

Y/n sighed.

"Oh nothing Niki! But I want to save this for later." Y/n winked.

Niki was still confused but went along with whatever y/n was doing.

"Oh and Niki? Can I put this dress somewhere special, I don't want to lose it."

"Of course! Let's try this one..."


Wilbur sighed as he looked at the guest list.

Did he really have to invite Dream?

He did. He knew y/n would lose her mind if he didn't.

He reviewed the list once more.

Wilbur's mind started to wander.

I can't wait to see her. I cant wait to finally be with her!

After all these years, he was getting what he craved.

He could finally be happy.

The Villians: Dream x Reader x Wilbur حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن