Wilbur, Alone.

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🔆hey loves! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! I'm gonna try and post more today and tomorrow as a little treat because it's my birthday tomorrow!! I hope everyone was a wonderful day!🔆

He examined his face in the mirror fully now.

His hair was a brown blob of curls. All of the curls pointed in different directions, some of them were tangled together.

His lips seemed to be in a permanent frown. The corners looked as though they had been pulled down forcefully, creating the frown. The color they once had was lost, replaced by a sickly pink color.

His brows linked into one of the new creases on his forehead. They were bushy and mad looking, but they still looked very similar to what they were before hand.

His face was was flush and pale. The only thing that seemed to have any life was the small sunburn on his cheek from looking at the clouds so often.

Finally his eyes. The sweet brown hazelnut color that once graced his eyes seem gone, replaced by a pair of nightly looking eyes. The bags under his eyes looked like bruises, they also looked as if they had been stretched down.

His body ran cold. Who was this man he was looking at?

A tear fell down Wilbur's pale face.

Who was he without her?

Wilbur looked down to a picture frame, it was a rare photo of his whole family.

His finger grazed over his face, he looked happy.

His eyes slowly drifted to the girl next to him. Her e/c eyes shining in the photo.

Im Wilbur's eyes, the pair looked like they were meant to be.

Weren't they?

He remembered the day his father gave her away to Eret. He shuddered slightly.

That wedding was his downfall, wasn't it?

He only craved her.

Maybe if his father hadn't been so blind to see it, he could be with her.

He grabbed the picture frame and threw it.

He walked over a picked up the glass, putting it in a cup for later.

His hand started to shake, his head was spinning.

He finally fell to the floor. His eyes looking up at the ceiling.

No, he couldn't blow up Manburg. At least, not this time.

The sky around him was a beautiful blue shade.

Wilbur's eyes soaked up everything around him.

The rushing water below, the shining sun, and the delicate flowers around him.

His eyes landed on a certain flower.

Lily of the valley.

It was a bitter sweet flower to him.

He delicately plucked the flower from the ground, studying it carefully.

His fingers ran over the soft petals, the white was shimmering under the sun.

The white reminded him of her dress, that way it had reflected in the summer heat.

He remembered her hair, the front tied back with a beautiful white ribbon.

The Villians: Dream x Reader x Wilbur Where stories live. Discover now