Weirdly enough nothing was happening in Paris, not a single attack, maybe the villian didn't want to attack on their home turf? Whatever it was, it was strange.

He glanced at the trio Infront of him, they were heros, Paris' heros, he supposed they had the right to know and they could maybe aid him and his family in their search.

"Say, have you heard about a villian that's selling some strength and speed enhancing drug?" Ladybug shot up an eyebrow "Elaborate" So with a nod he continued. The more he spoke the more her expression fell, settling into a frown. Nightwing made sure that it seemed that he and the Wayne's were  separate people. He couldn't risk his identity.

"Now that I know who you guys are I think you could be of help" he heard a chuckle leave Ladybug, he furrowed his eyebrows "What's so funny" he asked. 

"You have the nerve to show up here and ask for help but when we were in crisis and Paris was suffering so much, we reached out but were given no response! Nothing! We were left for dead!" Ladybug yelled, and angry tears welled up in her eyes, never dropping "Why should we help when you didn't?" Chat said, his voice quieter but just as angry.

Dick sighed frustrated "I didn't know jackshit about what was happening in Paris until today! No one did!" Ladybug rolled her eyes "Yeah right, whatever, seeing as you're not going to be a problem to us we'll let you go" she released him from her yo-yo and swung off, the other two leaving immediately after her. 

Dick on the other hand took a moment to collect himself, he didn't realize an hour passing, he just thought about the encounter. He didn't talk to anyone when he returned home, he just opted to flop on his bed. Fuck this he'll deal with it tomorrow.


To say Marinette was pissed was an understatement, first she was mistaken for her mother, then it was finding out there was a villian [who she was certain was Lila] at her school, and lastly the audacity to ask for help when they ignored their pleas in their most desperate times. Had they helped them against the pathetic excuse for a man that was Hawkmoth so many incidents could've been avoided. 

So call it being petty but Marinette wasn't going to help them, they could deal with it themselves. When she reached home she was surprised to see her parents were still up. They were talking fast and rushed, they sounded almost scared "What's going on?" The two stopped immediately.

"Marinette take a seat" Sabine told her, knowing better than to disobey her, she sat down. "Remember how we told you abou the U.N.H?" Marinette nodded "Yeah, what about it?"  Sabine took a deep breath "We were contacted to come back ASAP to which we agreed to since you're going as well, the issue is we're leaving today instead of two weeks from now" Marinette furrowed her eyebrows.

"What why?" 

"Five of our best members were found either dead or injured within an inch of their lives" 

Marinette stood up at that "And you want to go and risk yours?!" Tom gave her a stern glare "Out of all of us you should know the best that a hero would do anything to save someone" Marinette ignored his words "I can't let you guys just leave like that!" 

"We've made our descion we're leaving at seven,  we left you money in the kitchen, call us if you need anything, now go get some sleep, you still have school tomorrow" her mother told her, leaving her with no time to reply as she left to her shared room. 

Marinette on the other hand scoffed and headed upstairs to her balcony, Tikki flew out and nuzzled her cheek in an attempt to comfort her. "I just don't want them to get hurt" she said, a few tears dripping down her face. Tikki let her holder cry, eventually the girl passed out.

A weak red glow surrounded Tikki, she took the from of a human and gently picked up Marinette. Walking to the bed, she set the girl down and covered her with a blanket. The glow surrounded her once again and she flopped onto the pillow next to Marinette.

Marinette woke up the next day at six, she did her usual routine, somewhat stalling as she did. She really didn't  want to face her parents, but she also couldn't let them leave with a proper goodbye. This also ment that if her parents were involved she had no choice but to help Nightwing even if she didn't want to.

She made her way downstairs with a heavy heart, she saw her parents drinking coffee as if it was any other day, as if when she came back home tonight they'd still be there. She didn't say anything as she approached them.

Still she couldn't help it, she rushed to them and gave them a hug, she couldn't stop the tears that poured from her eyes either. The two returned her hug, holding their daughter close "..promise you'll be careful" Marinette managed to utter out. 

"We promise, so promise us you'll stay strong" Tom said, his heart breaking at seeing his daughter in tears. She gave a nod "I promise".

After some time huddled together, they separated. Marinette ate her breakfast with them, she decided not to tell them about what happened yesterday, they'd probably be informed when they reach Gotham anyway. Marinette spent every last minute with them but then the clock struck seven and it was time for them to leave. She sent her parents off with a hug.

Not long after them she left for school, she made her way to her classroom, surprised when she saw her teacher since she had arrived relatively early. "Marinette, good to see you, how's your arm?" She gave a small smile "Eh, it's better now" 

"That's good" they chatted for a bit "Since I'm better now I can go ahead and help you out with the trip planning" the man nodded "Sure, just meet me after classes end" Eventually the rest of the class along with her friends showed up.

And then Rose spilt her water on her



I'm thinking of completely moving to ao3 after I finish the book on here, honestly I just think that when I've grown out of Wattpad. I don't open the application except for when I go to post a chapter so yeah that's about it. Hope you liked the chapter.

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