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Dick has been avoiding a pair of - probably - teens during his patrols  for a few days now. They had funky costumes and that was all he needed to find out who they were. He'd searched up 'cat man and ladybug woman paris' on his computer at home and found out they were some sort of heros, he didn't care to look into much after. Something tells him he should have.

He hoped that they would stop after a few days but they were rentless, always on his tail, and he was staring to get annoyed. Yes they were easy to dodge and escape from, but they still bothered him. Though he had to admit they weren't half bad, skillful but not enough to catch him, or so he thought until he was on his knees staring up at them with his arms secured  tightly behind his back, feeling like an utter fool.

He had underestimated them and payed the price, not to mention that he fell for the oldest trick in the book too. 

He let out a tired sigh. Damian would never let him live this down.
"So Nightwing, care to tell us why you're here?" said hero perked up at the voice, laced with was an unmistakable New Jersey accent, heck it sounded closer to a Gotham accent. 

He looked at the owner of the voice and almost got whiplash, same blonde hair and blue eyes, and now that he thought about it her voice sounded similar too, it was almost as if she was- but she looked way too young- "Harley?" The name left his mouth before he could stop himself.

At the mention of the woman's name, the blonde hero froze, an icey cold glare made it's way to her face "Fucking hell" for a second he saw a pained look in her eyes.  The other two heros he chose to ignore till now looked stunned, with wide eyes and an expression of concern on each of them.

"Ma- Ladybug are you alright?" The fox looking hero he hadn't seen before today asked, "It's alright Rena" the tone of her calm and even voice didn't match the storm in her eyes. Then those eyes landed on him "I am not Harley" she emphasized each word with so much coldness and boiling anger that it made him both shiver and melt in fear.

The cat hero placed a grounding hand on her shoulder, "Calm down Bug, he didn't mean it" the blonde- Bug he presumed dropped her shoulders ever so slightly. She took in a sharp breath, and looked away from Dick. 

The cat hero moved to be in front of Bug who then moved to stand next the fox girl- Rena his mind supplied "I'll take over" the cat hero glances at Bug who gives him a nod as a sign to continue. 

"I'm thinking an explanation will do you well, seeing as you look more or less confused" Dick nodded and so the hero began explaining. From who they were to the years of flighting against Hawkmoth. Dick noticed when Chat Noir would take deep breaths before saying certain things, particularly towards the end when he spoke about Hawkmoth's defeat. 

"That should be enough" Ladybug spoke, Chat shot her a grateful  look and let her stand Infront of Nightwing "So now that that's done, back to my original question, what are you doing here?" Dick takes a moment to consider,  does he tell her the cover story, or does he tell her the real reason? His family wasn't in Paris for kicks and giggles, they were here because of a report from the U.N.H about a villian in Paris that was working with Gotham villians. 

Apparently that villian was selling some kind of drug that enhanced the villians strength and speed making them hard to catch. The whole situation was resulting in lots of injuries and incidents to the heros. He was grateful that they weren't any deaths yet.

The U.N.H figured out that the villian was still attending school, they even figured out which school it was they just didn't know who it was. The whole going to the Wayne Enterprises for a 'school trip' was a ploy so they could get the villian close, and eventually catch them.

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