"Ren McCormack." Chloe smiles brightly as Ren runs to the stage.

"Well, let me start by saying that I never thought I'd be graduating from a highschool in Georgia." The crowd laughs. "But I'm glad I did. After all I've gone through in the last year, I'm happy to say that I've finally done something for myself. I'd like to thank the teachers, and the staff. Even though most of you guys hated me. I'd like to thank my friends and family for believing in me, in all aspects." Ren says looking to Chloe. The crowd claps as he exits the stage. After a little while they finally get down to Chloe.

"Last but not least, Chloe Jenkins." Chloe stands and walks to the stage to get her diploma. She stares nervously at the mic. She shakes her head and approach's it.

"I'm not much of a talker. But I just want to take a moment and properly thank each person in my life.."Chloe smiles as she turns to Roger. "Now most of you know me as Roger's stepdaughter. My whole life I was convinced that he was trying to change my past, and create this new life for me. Because of these scenarios I made up in my mind it made me ruin any chance at a relationship with him. Well almost. All I wanted was a true family, and now I realize that's what I got when my mom married him, I just couldn't see it yet." Roger's eyes fill with tears. "Roger I realize now that all you wanted was a daughter, not some perfect angel child. A daughter, who makes mistakes, doesn't listen sometimes, and is extremely blunt."

"PREACH!" Willard yells from his seat.

"What I'm trying to say is, thank you Dad." Roger nods proudly at her. Chloe turns back to the audience.

"I'd also like to thank Momma Vi. You have helped shape me into the woman I am today and I thank you for that." Chloe says. Vi blows her a kiss from the audience.

"I'd also like to thank my friends. Rusty, Willard, Ariel, and Woody. You guys have been there since the beginning. I'm glad that even when life takes us in a different direction, or we fight, or get into a relationship, we still manage to stay together and be the best of friends. I love you guys." Chloe says. Her friends get teary eyed.

"Willard I'd like to thank you especially, for being there for me when Bobby & Lacey was taken from us. They were all I had and you somehow managed to make everything better. Thank you for being the brother I never had." Willard wipes a stray tear.

"In fact I'd like to thank Bobby and Lacey, I know they'd be here today if heaven wasn't so far away. I can feel them looking down on us right now." Chloe looks to the sky and smiles. "What happened that night three years ago was tragic. But I believe that all things happen for a reason. Maybe God needed them up there, so he could make room for someone else we would need down here. In all honesty I'm thankful for all the pain I've had to deal with these last trying years, because I know it's shaped me into who I am today."

"And finally I'd like to thank Ren McCormack." Chloe turns to Ren who has a big smile plastered across his face. "I am so grateful for you. You have no idea, the impact that you've had on all of our lives. Thank you for helping us try to change history. Thank you for loving me for me, and for showing me what true love is. You hit me like a frickin bus Ren, I didn't even see it coming." Chloe wipes a few tears.

"And thank you, Bomont Highschool ." Chloe whispers before exiting the stage. A little while after, the graduation comes to a close. They head out to the football field so they can take a picture of everyone throwing up their caps. Chloe quickly runs over to Ren.

"Hey you did great!" Ren says shaking her shoulders.

"Yeah it was alright, definitely didn't bring a tear to my eye." Willard says, making Chloe roll her eyes. Ren taps Chloe's arm.

"Hey, Clo, so I was thinking after we are done maybe-" Chloe just stares into Ren's eyes as he rambles. She starts to think of how lucky she is to have such an amazing boy in her life. She shakes her head before blurting out.

"I love you." Chloe whispers. Ren stops talking immediately.

"A- What did you say?" He whispers. They hear the teachers counting down in the back ground.

"Ren, I love you." Chloe says. Ren smiles.

"I love you too, Chloe Jenkins." He grabs her face and kisses her ✨Passionately✨

"-1!"The students throw their caps in the air. Ren and Chloe grab each other's caps and throws them up without breaking the kiss.

"Ew! Get a room you two!" Willard yells. Chloe and Ren pull away.

"Oh hush." Chloe says rolling her eyes.

"Hey guys they said they are allowing public dancing back at the Diner!" Ariel yells excitedly.

"Well what are we waiting for? I want to boogie!" Willard yells as he runs to his car. Ren laughs.

"He's loosin it." Ren throws an arm over Chloe's shoulders. Chloe smirks.

"More like "Footloosin' it."


Y'all see what I did there😉😂

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