Chapter 20: Canceled, Tour pt 3

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Bakugou's Pov:

I wake and see shit eyes still sleeping, I stayed up for a while last night, the other extras are still sleeping except Yuuto. I think he woke up already he was outside the tour bus getting fresh air I walk out to go say morning or something weird shit

Yuuto: Hey katsuki

Bakugou: Hi

Yuuto: So this is the 4th concert we're gonna be performing at

Ok so time skip, they had 5 concerts to go too... I think we skipped most of it

Yuuto: Hey... Can I tell you something?

Bakugou: What is it?

Yuuto: Well I like Jordan and I don't know how to tell him/her

Bakugou: You guys need to be alone, first of all, second you have to find the right time to tell him/her

Yuuto: Then what if he/she doesn't like me back!?

Bakugou: Move on... Or just try to be friends..

Yuuto: It happened to you before? Hasn't it

Bakugou: Kinda

Yuuto: Hmm

Luis: Ok you guys really need to talk to someone!

Yuuto: Yeah I think we know that

Bakugou: Yeah sure..

Raito: Morning guys...

Bakugou: Morning

Yuuto: Oh hi

Raito: Do you guys think Taichi will find someone?

Bakugou: No

Yuuto: Probably... Yeah

Bakugou: There is no way in fuck he will

Taichi: C'mon guys! Of course I will!

Bakugou: Doubt it

6 hours time skip it's time for the concert... Btw aizawa and class-1A were able to track down bakgou and saw him in idk some kind of city

Midoryia's Pov:

The tracker said that Kacchan was in this city... You split up to find Kacchan and bring him back, almost all of U.A says it's our fault that Kacchan has not returned.. And really hate our class, wouldn't blame them for it, we did nothing to help Kacchan

Uraraka: Where do you think he is?

Midoryia: I don't know but he is on the move, we don't have much time

Todoroki: It seems like he's in this building

Uraraka: Ok so let's go in

We go in the place and it looks like there's gonna be a concert soon.. The place in crowded, I can understand why Kacchan would wanna be here

Todoroki: Ok so should we check the back room?

Uraraka: Yeah, I'll ask

Midoryia: Do you think we'll find Kacchan?

Todoroki: Yeah.. Of course we will

Uraraka: Ok guys we can check but we only got 15 minutes

Midoryia: Ok

Luis: Ok you guys got 15 minutes

We go to the back and we see the Outcasts!? Well makes sense

Blue Mask: Uh- hi do you guys need or want something?

"Should I Give Up?" |:|Depressed Bakugou|:| (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now