Chapter 9: Pictures!?

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Bakugou pov: 

I finish taking my shower the fucking make-up off whatever.. I look in the misfits group chat and they're arguing about something I backread and one of those extras posted a picture of us drinking and partying!? If the hag sees this I'm so gonna die..

The group chat:

Bakugou: someone fucking delete that shit!!

Akari: I'm trying ok!?

Taichi: If people see that some of us are gonna die!?

Raito: Yeah we know!

Jordan: Just hurry UP!!!

Akari: It's deleted!

Yuuto: Yeah, I'm sure the world saw that now..

Bakugou: You fucking dumbass!


Bakugou: Do we have work today?

Raito: I think so..

Bakugou: Okay at what time? 

Taichi: 10:30am

Bakugou: Okay bye

Outside of the chat:

Okay chicken wings deleted it, but there is a chance that I will die... I walk downstairs to see the extras giving each other weird stare... They saw the pictures. I bet raccoon eyes saw them, she's on instagram, all the time! No doubt she saw them. I to god if these extras say a fucking word!!

Bakugou:- Don't. Say. A. Word

Midoryia:- "We won't! We swear."

Bakugou:- "So you guys did fucking see the pictures!?"

Kaminari:- "Look it was Mina that found them! Not our fault the person who post them!!"

Kirishima:- "Bro are you ok? We uh- found a blade under your pillow.. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to! It's fine! We just want to know if your ok!"

How the fu- Oh right they fucking went through my room... Fucking bitches..

Bakugou:- "I'm fine you extras I stopped cutting a while ago! I only do it if I really have to!"

Kaminari:- "Okay.."

Bakugou:- "Oi dunce face come here.."

Midoryia:- "Pray for kami guys.."

Kaminari:- "Guys! Help me! Please... I don't wanna die!!!"

Bakugou:- "I said come here... NOW!"

Kaminari:- "Coming..."

Kirishima pov:

I see my bro walking downstairs we all give each other weird stares, and bakubro knows we saw the pictures, bakubro ask kamibro to... Well he's gonna die, R.I.P Kaminari he lived a good life, hear a LOT of screaming after bakubro finished beating the living shit out of kamibro. I went to go and help him up, he went stupid... I think I'm gonna call Jiro and ask her for help... I guess he deserved it.

Bakugou pov:

After I beat the living hell! Out of dunce face, I started walking to the work shop or studio, I don't know!? I saw the others waiting around, for me.

Raito:- "Okay shall we get started?"

Yuuto:- "No no no! You can't take the photos you'll probably get distracted by wonderful looks and won't even get the job done!"

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