'Well... now we know'

Start from the beginning

He only looked at me and sighed.

Silence over came the two of us until we got to the library doors. Loki when to open them but stopped and looked at me with a sadness in his eyes

'Why did you avoid him?' He asked

'Cus every time we talked we argued and it just got to a stage where I just wanted to be alone' I admitted looking down

He just opened the door and let me walk in first.

We walked in to see nebula and gamora sitting across from Thor, Gamora was holding something but I wasn't sure what.

We went and sat beside Thor and they just looked at me.

I looked up and smiled. 'Hi...'

'Hi' 'hello'

This is extremely awkward

'Okay so can we get to the point where you explain what he did now' Loki said

'Yes. So-'

'Wait what is that your holding?' I asked

'Groot' Gamora smiled

'I am groot'

'Oh my god he's the cutest thing I've ever seen'

Groot waved at me and I waved back

'Okay, after we talk about that we have important things now Alice' Thor said putting his hand on my shoulder

I nodded and looked back at the sisters

'Do you know how long you were there for?' Nebula asked

'No. He didn't even give me a clock'

'Right well you were there for almost two years'

'Two years...' I sighed

'Yes. That's why the powers you have are the way they are.'

'What do you mean by that' Loki chimed in

'Well if he didn't have her for the amount of time he did then he wouldn't have gotten to finish. He finished I think around a month or so before you were saved'

'And what powers is it?' I asked

They looked at eachother then back at me

'That's a complicated question but to put it in simplest forms, Alice. You can control the elements' nebula said then scrunching her lips to the side and looking down

Thor and Loki fell silent and looked at eachother

'My father mentioned telekinesis?' I added

'Yes. That was the first thing he did to you' gamora said

'How. It doesn't make sense that he could do that to someone?'

'Thanos he- he's feared and people will do anything for him really. He knew the people who could make the correct serums to... transform someone' nebula said looking at me

'How do I work it?'

Gamora smiled and walked over to me and knelt down sitting groot on the table that was between the two couches

'Here, give me your hand' she said putting her hand out. I did it but was slightly hesitant

'Now think of fire' she whispered

I did just that and a flame appeared in my hand

My eyes widened along with a smile. I felt extremely powerful

'Now picture a dagger in you head' she whispered

Once again I did that

'Now think of it as ice' she smiled

Then a dagger appeared in my hand along with some snow

I looked at her and we couldn't stop smiling

Nebula walked up and took the same position as Gamora

'See that book over there' nebula said point to the book on the fireplace. I nodded

'Bring it to my hand'

I raised my hand and a slight purple energy appeared around it, I focused it on the book and moved my hand and the book came and landed in nebulas hand

I looked at nebula who gave me a slight smile and nodded. I guess she not the smiling type.

'Anything else?' I asked. Thor and Loki still in utter shock beside me

'Try to blow me over with wind and then tie me up with vines' Gamora said standing up


'Think on wind, focus it to your hand then when I'm down think on strong vines and they will grow from where they seem fit and will surround me' she said standing in a clearer area.

I walked over and stood in front of her, I put both my hands out and focused and within a few seconds she was pushed to the ground. I too got pushed backwards but immediately started to focus on vine and they started growing from plant pots all around the library and made their way quickly to her and wrapped her up.

'OH MY GOD!' I shouted

Gamora laughed and cut her way out

'You did good for not practicing for years' she said looking at me

'I can't believe I just did that' I said turning around to Thor and Loki who's eyes were practically popping out of their head

Thor looked at Loki nudging him to look at him back. He did just that and Thor said to him

'Well... now we know'

You will be mine. An avenger + Loki fan fic Where stories live. Discover now