Chapter 5

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(Tyler's POV)

"Hey Ty" my friend Finn, says, coming up to walk beside me towards the cafeteria.

"Hey Finn" i say, giving him a soft smile.

"Do you want to come over to my house tonight. I think the rest of our friends might be coming over too?" Finn asks. Usually i would come up with an excuse on why i can't go, because i don't normally have a charged social battery, but this time, i can't bring myself to deny.

I haven't hung out with them in so long, and i feel bad.

I am a bad friend.

I need to be a good friend.

And thats one of the only reasons i actually agree. Because i need to be a good friend.

"Sure" i say, and i watch as a huge smile spreads on his face.

"Awesome!" Finn says, jumping up and down slightly as we walk towards the table where my other two friends are sitting.

I've never really had a big friend group. I like small crowds.

The bigger the crowd, the more trapped i feel.

And i hate feeling trapped.

I give a big smile to Greg and May, as we approach the table.

"Guess what guys?" Finn happily chirps

"What?" My other two friends, sitting across from Finn and I, ask at the same time.

"Ty agreed to hang out with us at my house tonight" he says as if he just completed an impossible mission.

He kind of did.

I laugh, shaking my head, looking at the table in front of me. May and Greg both bounce in there seat a little bit, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"I'm glad Ty" May says, giving me a reassuring smile, "It seems like we haven't hung out as a group in forever"

I mutter a small, 'yeah', feeling slightly guilty that i don't spend enough time with them.

Its not that i don't want to, it's just that, after school, i usually don't have enough energy or motivation to hang out with anyone.

I spend the rest of the lunch period, quietly munching on my fries, engaging in the conversation occasionally.

Eventually the bell rings and everyone heads off to their 6th period class, which is chemistry for me. Its one of my least favorite classes, mainly because I'm failing it, and almost every day, the teacher reminds me of that somehow.

I walk past one of the really quiet kids, i think his name is Daniel, but I'm not sure.

I sit in my 6th period seat, not bothering to pull out a notebook, knowing, I'm not going to understand the material we learn whether i take notes or not.

The first few minutes of class go by quickly, but time seems to slow down when my teacher starts to hand back our graded tests, which I'm positive i failed.

My suspicions are confirmed when i get handed a test with a capital F on the paper.

It doesn't surprise me, but at the same time, i can't help the sinking feeling i get in my chest for failing once again.

I used to cry when i got bad grades, but now I'm used to it.

It doesn't bother me anymore, nothing bothers me anymore.


It wasn't surprising to me when i got another text that night as i laid in bed.

I'm tired of putting up a fight. I just want it all to be over.

I stopped fighting a while ago. Its exhausting.

But just like last night, the person didn't respond.

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