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"Professor Callagahn!"

The group stands on top of a nearby building where Callagahn was forcing Krei to watch the new SFIT building be destroyed. Nina stood on her hoverboard, flying in place besides Hiro who demanded Callagahn to let Krei go. Callagahn turns to him with an angered look.

"Is this what Abigail would've wanted?" Hiro questions.

"Abigail is gone!" Callagahn answered.

"This won't change anything." Hiro shakes his head. "Trust me, I know."

"Listen to the kid, Callagahn." Krei speaks up. "Let me go. I'll give you anything you want!"

"I want my daughter back!" Callagahn puts his mask back on and outstretches his left arm causing microbots to fly in that direction right where the gang were standing. Nina quickly flew above the mirobots while the others ran away.

"Go for the mask!" Hiro exclaims, getting on Baymax while putting his helmet on. Baymax takes off towards Callagahn once Hiro was in place, but Callagahn moved out of the way before he could get hit.

He shot some more microbots at Hiro and Baymax, attaching the microbots to Baymax's foot and swings them into the side of the SFIT building. Nina's eyes widen, noticing Hiro crash through the windows of one of the rooms. Some microbots grabbed Baymax and threw him on the ground. Nina realized that the portal above the SFIT building was pulling everything inside which meant Hiro was also being pulled inside the portal.

While the rest of the gang jumps at Callagahn and try to get the mask Nina flies over to where Baymax was at, dodging microbots that were shot at her. She manages to get near Baymax and unharmed. She presses a button on her new and improved watch and aims it at the microbots keeping Baymax captive.

A laser beam shoots out of the end of a opening on the watch towards the microbots, slicing them apart and freeing Baymax. She made the watch be able to shoot a laser beam that could cut through anything. Her old watch could only send a small laser beam to zap whatever she aimed at. She decided to remake the watch and add some improvements to it. The new and improved watch was a secret project she has been working on in her free time that she didn't tell anyone about because she wanted to make it just right and not get anyone hopes up if she couldn't make it.

"Thank you, Nina." Baymax told her and she smiled. "No problem, buddy."

She could hear the others saying that Callagahn couldn't be beat and she glanced over her shoulders, frowning when she saw each of them were trapped. Could they really be giving up?

Then she hears Hiro over the intercom on her helmet which connects to the intercoms in the other's helmets. "Listen up. Use those big brains of yours and think your way around the problem. Look for a new angle."

"Baymax, we gotta go save Hiro." Nina said to Baymax. She then looks where Hiro was holding onto a loose wire, trying not to be pulled into the portal. Baymax then does a rocket fist and takes off flying towards Hiro.

Nina smiles once Hiro is back on Baymax and she goes to fly right beside them. "Glad you're okay!"

Hiro smiles back at her. "Yeah, you too! I saw the laser beam from your watch. That's new?"

"Yeah. Been working on it." Nina replied with a proud smile.

"It's pretty sick." Hiro complimented, looking back at her with a toothless grin.

Nina ignores the butterflies she feels in her stomach and grins at him. "Yeah, I know."

They fly back down to where the others were standing and then they all start heading towards where Callagahn and the microbots are. "Okay, new plan. Forget the mask. Take out the bots! They'll get sucked up into the portal."

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