"Oh, and you do? Has your preference in men changed from ASMR talking, stupid-with-money, older men to angsty, emo, hateful edge lord boy who is not as old as the freaking dumbass earth god?!"

Lumine was flabbergasted. "Aether... what has happened to you? You used to be such a sweet boy... you helped me make flower crowns, a swear never passed your lips, always a child-like wonder with the worlds we visited... hell, your normal get-up was a freaking braid, and a shirt that exposed your stomach! What has that god done to you?!

"I'm the older twin here! I know what's best for us!"

"You are acting like a jackass! Not to mention that we promised not to take over the worlds that we visit! You know... like you're doing with the Abyss Order?!"

"You don't just understand... yet," Aether said, standing up. "Like I said, I'm doing it for the both of us. I am the prince; you are the princess."

"Not of this world!"

"Lumine..." He sighed. "Once everything falls into place, you will understand. Until then... you are going to have to say out of the way."

"AETHER!" Lumine screamed. Tears rolled down her face as Aether locked eyes with Paimon, who has been quiet all this time.

"Poof away to warn someone and I will gut you."

"Why are you acting like a psychopath?!" She then remembered something. "X-!"

Aether grabbed her mouth. "Bring him here and I'll do the same thing to him that I did to Diluc!" Aether snapped, knowing full well he can't threaten her with death. "I've been meaning to try the poison out on an Adeptus." He slowly removed his hand from her mouth and – once he was sure she wasn't going to scream – walked away. "Everyone! Rest up! The day after tomorrow we will burn the tree in Windrise to the ground!"

Lumine sat there in disbelief as Paimon, too weak to float, snuggles up to her. She held the fairy close, tears running down her face. "A-Aether... why...?"

"I feel like an idiot!!" Venti screamed, kicking the feet of his statue in anger. The sun was starting to rise. Since the headquarters blew up, the knights took to resting in the church as well as getting patched up. "I should have said something when he nearly took my hand off! Ooooow..." He held his foot.

"I should have done this. I should have said that...." Jean said as she walked over from the bench she was sitting on. "We can't change the past."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He flexed his foot to make sure it wasn't broken.

"Even then..." Lisa said as Sucrose, Amber, and Klee came out of the church. Klee ran over to the overlook. She had her arm in a sling. "Diluc normally works alone. Even if you told me about I doubt we could have done anything to help him."

Jean sighed. "Who can still fight in case they strike again?"

"Razor is completely out. Broken ribs, a concussion, and he tore one of his muscles in his leg." Amber said. "You have a broken arm. Albedo was smacked in the head but thankfully no concussion. Barbara said he should be fine in a few hours. And Kaeya..." She paused.

"C-captain Kaeya i-isn't... hurt... but..." Sucrose began but couldn't finish. Jean sighed before Klee yelled something.

"Klee sees Diona! And the girl with the bird! And Bennett! And Noelle! But... I don't see Mona..."

"How did they get over the broken bridge?" Jean asked. "You know what? Never mind. Lisa, do you mind talking to them? I need to talk to Kaeya."

Lisa nodded. "I will. Last I saw him he was sitting in the first pew on the left." Jean thanks them and went inside.

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