Chapter 1

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Make sure to read the first book "Real or not real-After mockingjay" :)


"Katniss Everdeen is marrying me. Real or not real?" he ask. 

"Real" I tell him.

End of flashback

Katniss's POV

Just last night, Peeta Mellark asked me to marry him. Yes, there was ups and downs before the life changing question, but that doesn't change our feelings for each other. I look down at his peaceful, sleeping face. This is the second day he is in the hospital since the mutt attack last night. I still rememeber it clear as day. But I'll shorten the story for you: When Peeta set up a romantic dinner for us in the woods, I caught Johanna Mason kissing him right when I arrived. My first reaction was to run, and thats what I did. I remember I climbed up a tree, watching him look for me and shout my name. He then was attacked by a mutt, leaving him in a hospital today.

As I stroke his face, a tear escapes my eye, wondering if he was lying that Johanna was the only one doing the kissing. But then I quickly shake the thought off as he starts to wake up. I look into his beautiful blue orbs, while he looks into a seam grey eyes. Then a smile forms on his face, which I quickly return. He then immedatly looks down at my ring finger, where the engagment ring lies, and his smile grows wider.

"You didn't take it off." he says, looking at the ring. He sighs in relief.

"Of coarse I wouldn't take it off. Why would you think I would?" I give him a shocked and confused look.

"I just thought that you put it on because you felt bad for me. Katniss if you don't want to...." I cut him off with a passionate kiss that he returns.

"I didn't say yes because I felt bad, I said yes because I wanted to." I tell him sternly. He smiles really wide. "I'm just so happy! I thought it was all a dream that you said yes." This makes me giggle.

We sit there for a long time stareing and smiling at eachother. I finally break the silence. "Did you sleep well?" He lets out a deep, stressful sigh. Thats not what I expected.

"I keep replaying last night in my head. The absolute guilt in my stomach from when Johanna kissed me. I can't believe she would do that. She knew how deeply I loved you, and how no matter what I will always love you. And the look on your face when she pulled away from the kiss made me want to die right then and there. Katniss I am so sorry. I love you so much. Please forgive me." he burst out crying. I hug him tightly and kiss his nose. 

"Peeta. Will you drop it?" I giggle at him. "You've been forgiven already! I understand. But once your out of the hospital, I want to slap that bitch." I laugh and so does he.

"Come here." he opens his arms. I crawl into the hospital bed with him. We share a long kiss before I place my head on his chest. We stay like this for a while. I yawn.
"Why don't you go to sleep. I might right after you." he says.

"Okay." I say. He plays my hair before I start to drift off.

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