"It will be alright." Baymax said.

Nina giggled as he patted Hiro's head twice while he said, "There there."

Hiro chuckles and pats Baymax's arm. "Thanks, Baymax." He said as he got out of the hug. Baymax steps back a few inches and looks at him and Nina.

"I am sorry about the fire." he said and Nina smiled softly. "It's okay, Baymax."

Hiro nods as he shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, it was an accident." He looked over at his microbot that was besides Nina on the bed.

He walked over and picked it up. "Unless.."

"What?" Nina questions.

"Unless it wasn't." Hiro said as he looked at her and Nina's eyes widened. "Do you think it wasn't an accident?"

"Maybe." Hiro nodded. "At the showcase, the guy in the mask stole my microbots. And..."

"And then he set the fire to cover up his tracks." Nina finishes his sentence and he nods.

"He's responsible for Tadashi." He said as he looked over at her. "We got to catch that guy."

Nina grins. "Okay, I'm in."

Nina, Hiro and Baymax walk down the stairs as quiet as they can so they don't get caught by Cass who was watching a horror movie in the dark with Mochi and they eventually make it to the garage.

"If we're gonna catch that guy," Hiro said as Nina stood next to him while he held up a scanner in front of Baymax. "you're gonna need some upgrades."

"Will apprehending the man in the mask improve your emotional state?" Baymax asked as Hiro sat down on the chair in front of the desk. Nina moved besides him and looked at the screen that showed the outline of Baymax.

"Absolutely." Hiro replied as he rolled over to another desk that had a computer on it. "Let's work on your moves."


After an hour of working Hiro and Nina had made some armor for Baymax. Hiro was sitting on a chair in the left side of the room while Nina was sitting on a chair in the right side of the room.

"I have some concerns." Baymax said as he lifted his arms up that were covered in the green and black armor. " This armor may undermine my non-threatening, hugable design."

Hiro nodded and chuckled. "That's kind of the idea, buddy."

With sitting in her chair, Nina rolled over to where Hiro was sitting and stopped besides him. "I think we did a pretty good job at making the armor."

"Yeah. we did." Hiro agreed and Nina smiles as they fist bump.

Hiro turns to faces Baymax. "You look sick." He smiled and Baymax tilts his head to the side.

"I cannot be sick. I am a robot." Baymax blinked. Nina chuckles. "That's just an expression, Baymax."

"Data transfer complete." A computer voice announced.

Hiro rolled over to the computer. Nina followed and was now besides him as she looked over her shoulder seeing Baymax walking over to them. She looked back at Hiro as he took the chip he made out and drew a scull on the red colored chip.

With a smile he turned around, stood up and pressed the circle where the green chip was. Nina bit her lower lip as she watched small container that held the chip open. She saw that his face went from a smile to a frown which confused her. She looked at the green chip seeing that Tadashi's name was on it and a small frown tugged on her lips.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" She asked him.

Hiro was silent for a few moments which made her think maybe he was rethinking this, but then slowly reached forward and put the red chip in the slot that was besides the green chip. He then pushed the container back in.

Nina turned to the computer on the desk besides her seeing that the fighting moves has now been transferred to Baymax's chip. "I fail to see how karate makes me a better healthcare companion."

Hiro walks over and stands in front of Baymax with a smile. "You wanna keep me healthy, don't you?" he then shows Baymax the piece of wood he had in his hand and says, "Punch this."

"Yes!" Hiro cheered while Nina's eyes widened. Baymax breaks the wood in half and she smiled seeing how happy Hiro was.

After that Hiro and Nina then see all of the fighting moves that he now knows. Nina couldn't believe that is worked and it was actually really cool. Hiro and Nina now stand in front of Baymax.

Hiro grins. "Yeah! Fix bump." He said, putting his fist in front of Baymax.

Baymax blinks. "'fix bump' is not in my fighting data base."

"No, this isn't a fighting thing." Hiro shakes his head. "It's what people do sometimes when they're excited or pumped up."

He gets Baymax's left arm, bringing it forward and opening up his hand. Hiro then tries doing a handshake with Baymax and it took awhile for Baymax to get it, but he eventually did.

Hiro imitates an explosion as he and Baymax fist bump and Nina chuckled as Baymax tried copying it. "Ba-da-la-la-la-la."

Hiro smiles. "Hey, now you're getting it!"

"I will add 'fist bump' to my care giving matrix." Baymax said.

"Alright." Hiro nods and glances over at Nina. "Let's go get this guy."

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