"Not anymore, Luka asked me out yesterday."

Alya's eyes widened. "Wow! Didn't think you'd move on that fast."

"Are you kidding me?!" Chloé shrieked standing up and stomping her foot. "This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" She sat back down, folding her arms.

"At least you can still get with Liam," Sabrina remarked.

"Oh, your right!" Chloé smirked. "I don't need Adrien, I've got a prince!" She laughed obnoxiously.

Lila came up to Adrien and Kalianna, giving them a forced smile. "I'm so happy for you guys! You two are just the perfect couple!"

"Oh yes, we are." Kalianna smiled smugly at her and snuggled up to Adrien. "I can't believe I bagged the hottest model in Paris." She squished her boyfriend's cheek. "He's just so cute! I love him so much!"

"M-Ma Reine," The green-eyed boy blushed. "S-Stop."

"Awww, is someone shy?" Kalianna asked in a baby voice.

Adrien blushed even more.

Lila put her hands behind her back, clenching them together.

Marinette noticed this.


Later on, everyone is at lunch. Kalianna and Adrien are sitting by themselves together feeding each other.

Lila was staring at them from afar, burning holes into the back of Kalianna's head. She angrily stood up and began power walking over to the couple.

Suddenly Marinette stepped in her way.

"Whe're you going?" The bluenette scowled.

"I'm not in the mood for you Dupain-Cheng." Lila shoves past her and continues over to Anna and Adrien's table.

"Hey, Kalianna!" Lila greeted "happily".

"Oh, Lila, is there something you need?"

"I actually need to talk to you about a girl issue I'm having." Lila faked a sheepish giggle. "Can we quickly talk in the courtyard before lunchtime ends?"

"Of cour-"

"No!" Adrien wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's waist and nuzzled his face in her neck.

Kalianna playfully rolled her eyes. "Quit acting clingy my love, I'll be back before you know it." She assured.

Adrien sighed and let her go. "Okay, just be back soon."

"That's the plan." The amber-eyed girl stood up and walked out of the cafeteria with Lila.


Lila's content expression quickly switched into a furious one when she rounded on Kalianna.

The flawless-skinned girl scoffed. "Sociopathic much?"

"Now you listen to me, when lunchtime ends and everyone goes to science class, I want you to break up with Adrien in front of them because he's mine. You seem to not understand that I'm the daughter of an ambassador. He's a very powerful man-"

Kalianna interrupted the girl by laughing. "You seem to forget who your talking to. What's an "ambassador's," She quoted the word. "daughter to a princess?" She stepped up into Lila's face. "Trust me, you don't want to face the wrath of the royal family." She then stepped back and sighed. "But, I have a surprise for you when lunchtime ends."

Lila smirked, thinking that Kali finally backed down and was gonna give up Adrien.


She was wrong, so very wrong.

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