Chapter Thirteen

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Months passed since Ebony and I moved into our apartment together. We did nothing but spend time together until graduation. We went to school together, came home together. We slept together, we cried together, we laughed together and we even prayed together. It was all finally falling into place and I saw my baby smiling and laughing again.

Until graduation.

When graduation came, we sat in the back and Ebony just watched. She waited and waited for her family to walk in and by the end of the ceremony, she had that same broken, empty look in her eyes once again. She didn't speak even when we went out to dinner to her favorite lounge called Caribbean Soul.

We were now at a graduation party that one of our classmates were throwing. She was sitting on my lap in a black tube dress and sandals that laced up her dark, glistening calves. I wanted nothing more than to kiss them and touch her skin, but I knew with the way she was drinking that I wouldn't be touching her tonight.

"Hey, slow down baby." I breathed as I watched her down her forth cup of jungle juice. She looked at me with low, hazy eyes and smirked before taking the blunt from my hand and putting it to her own lips, inhaling without an issue.

"Don't tell me what to do." Ebony breathed against my lips before inhaling the smoke into my face and standing up before walking away with one of the cheer leaders and starting to dance with her.

Ebony moved her body in ways I've never seen her dance before. She didn't care that she was making a scene, everyone's eyes on her as she moved her hips and danced against the cheerleader.

I licked my lips and watched in silence as I leaned back in my chair, smoking my blunt as I watched her dance. Her eyes were on mine as if she was dancing for me, but I couldn't help but ponder.

My Ebony isn't the Ebony I know anymore. Her pain changed her, and it terrified me because I didn't know whether to leave her be or stop her from possibly destroying herself. She was slipping into the familiar darkness and I didn't want her to, but I was afraid that If I stopped her she'd break right in front of me.

"Mmmm take me home.." Ebony moaned hoarsely, sounding more drunk than anyone else in the room. She climbed on top of me and moaned as she arched her back while kissing my neck.

"You're making a scene." I whispered as I wrapped an arm around her waist, glaring at all the guys that stared our way.

"I don't care. Take me home, I want you." Ebony whimpered before kissing my chin. I nodded and sat up, smoking the rest of my spliff as she laid her head on my chest before standing up.

"Leaving already?" Alex asked as she walked over to the door. Ebony moaned and laid her head on my shoulder and I nodded as I rubbed her back.

"She's drunk."

"I ammmmmm not!" Ebony slurred before moaning. Alex chuckled and smirked before nodding.

"Well, text me. Whatever you need, I got it."

"She has everything she needs right here, bitch." Ebony slurred as she pushed Alex's chest.

"Yo, Ebony chill." I hissed as Alex scoffed as she sized Ebony up.

"Yeah, get her out of here before she starts something."

"Stupid bitch, go get your teeth fixed." Ebony slurred as I dragged her out of the apartment.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I hissed as I dragged her into the Uber and pushed her inside, causing her to laugh. The ride was short and silent, our home being a few minutes away. I pulled her out of the Uber, ignoring her protests as I pulled her into our complex.

"What is your problem, damn?! If I was as bright as you I'd have a bruise." Ebony grumbled as she sucked her teeth before slumping down on the couch and kicking off her shoes. I grabbed the ash tray from the kitchen table and lit my spliff that sat inside and inhaled as I stared at her.


"Ebony..what's going on?" I asked as I smiled. She snorted, letting out a drunken laugh.

"What do you mean? We just graduated high school, aren't you happy? Don't you want to celebrate?" She asked as she stood, unzipping her dress and allowing it to fall down her body. I watched as it pooled around her white-painted toes and I swallowed hard.

"Are you happy, though?"

"Why wouldn't I be, Honey? I'm fùcking...jubilant." She laughed, holding her stomach, the diamond promise ring I gave her during prom shining on her ring finger as she laughed and laughed. I just watched as she stood there in her black laced underwear set and laughed, until her laughs turned into sobs and she fell into my arms when I scurried over to her.

"The one day I couldn't wait for..because I knew they'd be so proud..and they didn't even show up." Ebony sobbed as she clung to my shirt.

"I know and I'm so sorry. But they will regret this Ebony."

"Yeah, but what about me? They may regret it but I have to suffer with this..emptiness until they either die or decide to accept me for who I am. Why do I have to suffer because I love you? Why?"

I let her vent as I rubbed her back. We were now sitting on the white rug that we had in our living room.

"My business is booming, my art is selling..I have my diploma..I'm going to one of the most high ranked colleges..and the one person I want to hear from, I can't. Because she hates me." She sobbed, wiping her face.

"Listen to me..I'm proud of you, and as long as you're proud of you, fuck what they think. You are so beautiful and you are already so successful. They'll be swallowing their tongue within the next few years. And I'll be here to watch."

"You promise?" Ebony asked as she wiped her face before looking up at me with sad eyes. I nodded, leaning in to kiss her lips.

"I promise."

Ebony. (GirlxGirl.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang