Waking Up

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You woke up, hungover and confused. A quick glance around told you that you were in a hotel room, but not your hotel room. Laying there, you wracked your brain to remember what happened last night.

It all started coming back to you. Drinks at the bar with your friends. Dancing and getting hit on by a hot guy. Fuck. What was his name? Harry? Nope. That's not it. Henry! His name was Henry. That's right. You made out with a hot guy named Henry. You must've come back to his room with him.

It was about this time that you felt the bed shift behind you. Fuck!

"Good morning, gorgeous." You heard the sexiest British accent mumble to you as a kiss was pressed to your shoulder.

"Good morning, handsome." You rolled over to look at him. Holy shit! He's even hotter than you remember. He flashed a beautiful smile at you, and sat up.

"I have an interview in 30, so I've got to dash. Sorry, sweetheart."

You sat up too, letting the sheets fall from your body. You were very confident in your skin, and weren't shy about showing off your body.

"No worries. Once I find my clothes, I'll get out of your hair."

When you looked up, he was shamelessly checking you out. So, you took advantage of that and stood, showing off all of you. You wandered around picking up various clothing items, including a ripped bra and torn panties. You held the panties up with one finger.

"You know, I liked these," you said while chuckling.

"I'm not sorry." He smiled at you.

The two of you moved around the room, gathering your clothes and his. You redressed, tossing the bra and panties into the trash.

"It's a good thing I have nice tits, or I'd be embarrassed to walk out of here without a bra or panties."

"You do have exquisite breasts. No argument there."

You smiled at that and slipped on your shoes.

"Well, this was fun. Maybe I'll see you around."  You lifted onto your toes and pressed a kiss to his lips before walking out the door.

Henry stood there, shocked at how drama-free this had been. It wasn't his first one night stand, but he frequently ended up with clingy girls who took sex as a sign that he wanted a relationship. He usually prefaced the night with the fact that it was just sex, but that didn't always work.

He got dressed and headed to the conference room, where his interview was scheduled to be. He didn't make it far in the lobby before he was bombarded with fans. He was used to it, but it still overwhelmed him sometimes. He smiled for pictures and signed some autographs, but had to hurry so he didn't miss the interview.

His manager, Dany met him at the door.

"I really hope you didn't sleep with another stalker. I'm tired of running interference with girls that think you want to be with them."

"Nope. She was cool. Didn't ask for my number or even give me hers. Just got dressed and left."


Meanwhile, you were headed out to call an Uber. You were staying at a hotel nearby, but didn't want to walk. You checked your phone and had a ton of missed calls and texts. You opened up the chat thread with your friends that you'd been out with all night.

Hey bitches. Don't worry. I didn't get murdered. I'm on my way back to the hotel now.

Once you got there, you headed up to your room. You'd barely made it through the door when they were all over you.

"Oh my god! How was it?"

"I can't believe you slept with Henry Cavill!"

"Wait, what? Who's Henry Cavill?" You looked at her with a confused face.

"Uh, the dude you fucked last night."

"Ok. That doesn't explain why she 'can't believe I slept with Henry Cavill'."

"Girl, he's super fucking famous. He's Superman."

"Huh, I had no clue. He's just hot as hell and really knows how to fuck."

They giggled at that. You changed and headed down to the lobby to go get breakfast. You only had 2 more days in Vegas, and you wanted to have fun. While you were in the elevator, you decided to Google Henry Cavill to see if your friends were crazy. Turns out, they were not. Guess you had a one night stand with a celebrity.

They were all still giggling and gossiping about it.

"Hey, bitches, let's not talk about this in public. I'm sure he wouldn't want his privacy invaded like that. It's not a big deal."

They all agreed, so you went to get super greasy food to soak up the copious amounts of alcohol you'd consumed the night before.

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