He started to walk away and I yelled, "Hey! Wait. We helped you! You're not gunna help us?"

"Don't worry, hermana. We'll get you back where you belong." Jorge and his friend left us dangling there. "Hang tight!"

"Oh, real fucking funny," I grumbled.

"Okay, we're gunna get down from here. Y/N, think you can reach the rail if we swing you over there?" Thomas asked.

"Like hell you are."

"You're the one with the knife! You want to get out of here, don't you?" I scowled at him, but he was right. "Okay, then. Just don't look down. Give me your hand."

I held out my arm and he grabbed my hand then slowly pulled me over to him. Then I was passed off to Minho. Minho grabbed my hips, angling me towards the lever as best he could in the current situation. "Okay, on three. One."

"I hate both of you," I said.


"If we get out of this alive, I'm punching you in the face."

"Three." He pushed me and I reached out my arms for the railing. My fingers grazed it, but I couldn't latch onto it. Minho shouted aggravatedly as I swung back to him.

"I swear to god, Minho..." I grumbled, my hands still shaking from the panic coursing through my veins.

"Okay, one more time. On three. One."

"You suck."


"Our friendship is over."


He pushed again, but I still couldn't make it far enough to catch it. This time it was me who yelled in frustration. He kept pushing me whenever I swung back to him, forgetting the count off, but it was never enough.

"Come on, Minho, push her harder," Newt said.

When I came back, Minho grabbed the back of my shirt, since my jacket was dangling around my head, and pulled me back to him. He pushed one last time, this one harder than before, and I grabbed the rail. We celebrated quietly, and I flipped myself around so I wasn't hanging upside down anymore.

"Y/N, hurry," Thomas said. I pulled on the lever, watching them fall a few feet as my legs landed on the floor. It had been a very good idea to have me do this because if it were me still hanging there, I might've thrown up everywhere.

I snatched my knife from it's holster, flipped it in my fingers, and cut the rope from my ankles. I threw the rope to the side and stood, and my eyes bulged out of my head when I looked down to see how far I could've fallen. "Oh, shit."

The pained way Thomas said my name snapped me back to myself and I looked around the room for something to pull the in with. There was a long pole against the wall, so I grabbed that and held it out to Thomas. Once he was over enough that he wouldn't fall down the hole, I sliced through his rope. He grunted as he hit the ground, and I was already working on grabbing Minho. I got three to safe ground while Thomas helped get the others.

As I was pulling Fry to me, I heard helicopters outside and Janson's voice over speaker saying, "Good evening. This is the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. We have your compound completely surrounded. You find yourselves, through no fault of your own, in possession of Wicked property." I ignored the rest of what he said because it wasn't all that important right now.

Teresa seemed tuned into every word Janson said, and I figured she was just sluggish from being upside down for so long. Once we were all right side up, we didn't have time to waste. We turned to the door and the man missing a tooth stood in our way, cocking a gun at us. Thomas' hand gripped my wrist nervously, his fingers squeezing my flesh.

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