Kill Your Cares Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Or what." Mine stared down the men with such intensity that they instinctively took a step back.

"Tatsumi, Razor?"

""Right"" At Mine's word, Razor and Tatsumi moved forward. Neither had recieved explicit instructions so Razor decided on a tried-and-true teaching method.

While Tatsumi opted to simply cut the pants off the first man, Razor spun around the second man and, being careful not to break his pelvic bone, delivered the most powerful ass slap he possibly could.

"YEEEEEEEEAARRGHH" a hilarious sound echoed through the city.

After the, now half naked and disgraced, first man collected his fallen partner and escaped, the little girl finally got up and spoke.

"U-um thank you-" she whispered but she was quickly cut off.

"Don't thank me," Mine replied sharply. "You need to learn to protect yourself."

Mine turned to leave and Tatsumi, after a little hesitation, followed. Razor, however, wanted to help out a little bit more. He pulled out his emergencies rations kit and produced a chocolate bar. Unwrapping it, he held it out to the child.

"Hey kiddo, have this and feel better." He took off his helmet so that she could see he was genuine. He had already noticed her strikingly grey hair but he had accepted that people on this planet had more eccentric hair colour. Two big hopeful blue eyes stared deep into his and after some reluctance, she reached out her little arms and took it.

Satisfied that she'd accepted his gift, Razor spun around and jogged out of the alley to catch up with the other two. Leaving the girl in the alley, now nibbling on the chocolate salted with grateful tears.

Razor caught up just as Mine and Tatsumi stopped at wall with posters. As he came to a stop next to them he realized that the posters were wanted posters with the faces of Bulat, Najenda, Sheele, and Akame.

"I guess they don't know everyone in your organization, huh?" Razor nodded, understanding.

"Yup. They don't know mine, or your faces yet." Mine replied.

"Wait a minute..." As Razor looked back over the photo of Bulat, he realized that something about his picture didn't fit his current image in Razor's mind.

"Who's the guy in the middle?" Tatsumi asked, also confused.

"That's Bulat. He used to look like that in the military."

"B-BRO?" Tatsumi exploded in surprise. "Isn't that going too far??"

"pfft," Razor chuckled as imagined Bulat, whose hair currently resembles the finest baked bread, in both size and consistency, actually having a normal haircut.

"This has got to be the world's worst before and after," Tatsumi frowned.

"Alright, let's begin our cultural investigation of the capital!" Mine suddenly cried excitedly.

Wait a minute, that doesn't sound like training, Razor thought, but he was acting as subordinate today so he didn't open his mouth.

First assignment of the day: Crepes

"Hi, can I get a crepe please!" Mine had lead Razor and Tatsumi to a food stand. Razor didn't know what a crepe was but the smell drew him in and before he knew it he was asking for one.

"What? No! This is mine!" Mine squinted at Razor and pulled her dessert close.

"I just wanted to try it. We didn't have crepes where I come from."

""Huh?"" Mine and Tatsumi both looked at Razor, completely surprised.

"Yup," Razor shrugged. "Not much time for sweets in a war, I guess"

Second assignment: Shopping

"How many things are you going to buy?" Tatsumi winced as he struggled to balance several boxes in his arms.

"As much as I feel like," Mine replied without missing a beat.

"What part of this is training?" Razor wondered.

Third assignment: Clothes Shopping

Razor found himself in a fancy-looking clothing store as Mine tried on clothing.

"Don't I look so cute?" Mine said as she spun around in front of a mirror wearing a white dress with black sleeves.

"Yeah kinda," Razor said absentmindedly.

"Wah-!" Mine turned red with surprise instantly, but when she turned to look at Razor, she found him looking off into space,

Razor suddenly found his foot being crushed violently.


"Alright, Mission complete!"

Mine, Tatsumi, and Razor were sitting at a table at what Razor had been told was called a cafe. Tatsumi was staring out into space like a ghost, Mine was enjoying some tea and snacks, and Razor was viciously consuming everything on the table.

"Where did all the food go???" Mine cried after reaching out to the platter only to realize that nothing was left.

"Sorry, I've just never had any of these things before..." Razor was using his napkin to wipe the crumbs from the corner of his mouth.

"Insolence!" Mine wacked Razor in the head, knocking him out of his chair.

"Seriously what is wrong with you?" Razor sat up, slightly annoyed and confused.

"I'm your superior and you're my subordinate. You have no business eating my food."

Mine raised her foot to step on him but Razor caught her foot.

"Yeah, no. I'm not your slave." Razor stood up and dusted himself off.

"You're my superior for training (not that this counts for training in the slightest) but aren't we supposed to be teammates now?"

"You really thought we'd be on equal terms just like that?" Mine put her hands on her waist. "You sound like you're confident in your skills, but you haven't fought anywhere close to as many battles as me."

Razor raised an eyebrow but didn't respond to the dig.

"I don't know what you've been through but remember I'm not here because I want to be. I'm not even from this world! I'm helping you guys because I want to get back to my people. You may not like me but I want us to be able to at least work together as a team."

"Hmph. Well go ahead and try your hardest. Make it worthwhile for us to help you."

Suddenly out of the corner of his eye Razor noticed people beginning to gather in the street

"What's the commotion?" Tatsumi asked.

"Probably a public execution." Mine replied without glancing at the street. "They're common sight here in the capital."

Razor followed as Tatsumi walked towards the square where the execution was taking place and when they reached the sight Tatsumi gasped in horror.

Several civilians were strung up on crosses, beaten, bruised, cut, and bleeding.

Razor had a different reaction. He was used to death. He had seen unspeakable things on and off the battlefield. This felt profoundly different to him. This was wrong but it was worse. Razor had never felt so strongly in his life that he was witnessing evil.

"This is terrible..." Tatsumi choked.

"The prime minister has no qualms about disposing of those who oppose him," Mine's eyes were down, and her face was dark. "His plotting ensured that the current young emperor won the battle for succession. But he won't get me. I'm going to survive this revolution and come out on top."

"So this child emperor is a puppet and the one really behind this is the prime minister, huh." Razor steadied his breathing. He had decided that before he went back to his world. He would definitely erase this man's existence. 

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