He tried avoiding eye contact but being the jokester I am, I decide to tease him a bit. "Oh, so you were the one who dressed me? hmmm?~", I smirked whilst I lifted his chin up staring deeply into his eyes and leaned in close as he stuttered trying to find an answer. I laughed hysterically at how red his face had become at this point and let go of his chin to cover my mouth to try and muffle the laughter which wasn't working one bit. I gave up trying to muster the laughter and full on had a laughing fit to the point I could barely breathe. I just barely saw him through my squinting eyes, crossing his arms and looking away in embarrassment. It was quite a sight to see I started wheezing hard.

I literally felt I could pass out from the lack of oxygen since his facial expressions made me laugh harder than the last one. Eventually the world around me faded to black.

Bruce's POV~

I crossed my arms looking away embarrassed that he was laughing at me. I heard him starting to wheeze from how hard he was laughing and I looked at him with worry, I tried calming him down but that's when he passed out. I sigh. I look at him and smile softly 'idiot'  I thought jokingly and chuckled a bit to myself. I contemplated on whether to kiss him on the forehead or not, but decided against it. (A/N: yeah, don't want some Disney shit happening XDDD) .

I took the tray off his lap to cover him with the blankets and walked to the door. I stood in the doorway with the food tray in hand and smiled at him softly, turning off the lights and closing the bedroom door to let him be passed out (lol). I walked to the kitchen and left the tray on one of the counters, figuring Alfred would know what to do with it. I walk into the lounge area (idfk) to find Alfred sipping some tea and reading a book. "Hey, Al, what ya reading?", I ask as I approach him. "Ah Master Bruce.", he says as he puts his book and tea cup down and stand up straight, turning to face me. "I was just looking at vacations spots for you Master Bruce, since you do need a break from crime fighting from time to time. Don't want you dying from a heart attack because you stressed yourself out too much. Now do we?"

"I suppose you're right Al, but Gotham needs me. They need Batman." Alfred looked at me in his 'normal' almost, emotionless face. "Sir. I'm quite sure GCPD can handle things on their own in the city. They're more than capable I'd say." I just shrug. Al sighs and asks a question that catches me off guard. "When will you tell him" I stutter "what?" "When will you just tell John you like him?", he says "why do you ask so out of the blue?". I ask "Because it is pretty obvious your feelings for him. Even if he himself doesn't see those feelings you put out on the table?" I shiver at the thought that he sounds like a mom trying to get their child to ask out a school crush.

Joker POV~

The first thing that I do is cough when I wake up cause my throat is dry. Then I remember what had happened and I laugh at myself for passing out from laughing too much. "I'm such an idiot hehe", I chuckle to myself as I try to stand up. I feel a bit dizzy since I haven't really been active for these past 3 weeks but I try to wobble over towards the door even though my legs feel like jelly. I fall when I open the door because my legs give out when I'm half way out the door.

I walk out into the long, dark hall and begin my search to find Brucie. I slide my hand along the wall as I walk through the hall so I don't fall or bump into anything. I walk in to what appears to be a really freaking fancy dinning room. I looked around the room (TeeHee too lazy to describe stuff here >:} :A/N) I gave up on that room since I couldn't find him there so I moved on to the next room which happened to be what I can assume is the lounge area.

There was hushed chatter in the room so I peaked my head in and saw Bruce and Alf talking yes that's my nickname for Alfred, deal with it >:^  Listening into their conversation, I hear Alf say something along the lines of "is pretty obvious your feelings fo-. Even if h- m himself doesn't see those feelings you put o- on the table?"  or something like that I don't really know since I couldn't hear some of the stuff they were saying. I looked over at a clock that looked like a grand father clock or some kind of clock. I see that I was only out for about an hour and a half.

I knock on the door to make my presence known which seems to have startled them as they turn around quickly. Alf with his neutral expression he normally has, and Bruce with a tomato red face to which I laugh at. I walk over to them "so what ya up to guys?", I ask as I sit down and putting my arms around both of their shoulders smiling. Alfred lifted my hand off his shoulder gently and speaks since Bruce seems too embarrassed to talk," Me and Master Bruce were just talking about some important business matters." I look at Bruce with a smile to confirm this statement to which he just nods his head in agreement to what Alfred had said.

"Well then ol' buddy ol' pal", I say in what I think is a British accent and wink at Bruce to which he blushes a bit more. "Come on let's play a game, Brucie!", I say as I pull Bruce up off the couch and dragging out a door that leads to outside into the bright, white, snow covered streets of Gotham. I let go of Bruce's hand and tapped his shoulder and ran off "Tag you're it! Chase me, Brucie!!", I yell like a little kid playing tag with a friend, giggling with a big goofy smile on my face. He just chuckles at me as I bounce up and down like an excited puppy with a bigger smile.

Bruce's POV~

John drags me outside into the crisp cold air of winter. Once outside he let's go of my hand and tapped my shoulder, running off after he did so. "Tag you're it! Chase me, Brucie!!", he exclaimed giggling whilst having a goofy smile on his face. I chuckle as he seems to bounce up and down like a child excited to open a gift on Christmas morning. 'cute'  I think as he runs around in the massive garden that is covered in a blanket of snow. 'Well, it has been a while since I've had fun so I guess it wouldn't hurt to play for a little bit'  I go inside and grab two coats from a closet by the doorway then I go back outside to see John knelt over something observing it intensely. I walk over to him "Hey, what are you doing John?", I ask him and look over his shoulder at the thing in his hands.

It looked to be some kind of animal but I couldn't tell what species it was from how mangled it was. "John?" I put a hand on his shoulder which seems to startle him. When he turned to face me he wasn't smiling like before. As if all the childish excitement was sucked dry out of him. He looked back down at the mangled animal "That.....thing  attacked her", he said and his body started to tremble as if trying to hold in laughter. "what?", I questioned utterly confused. Eventually he couldn't hold it in anymore and started hysterically laughing like a mad man.

He gasped a few times to try and get back some oxygen so he could try to compose himself. He managed to stop laughing and instead started crying. I knelt down next to him and hugged him, trying to comfort him, which seemed to work as he buried his face into my chest, crying. I sigh. "so.. do you know what happen that thing? ", I asked gesturing to the mangled animal that was now on the ground. He sniffled a bit and pulled away from me to look at the mangled animal.

"W-well I spotted her... she was just a lil' bunny.. but then I saw this wolf a-and I d-didn't have enough time t-to save her!", He said as he started sobbing again. I stand up and offer my hand for him to take so I could help him stand up to which he takes. I pull him up, careful not to yank his arm out of it's socket (A/N: lol). He stands up and wipes the tears off his face and his mood changes drastically. He starts giggling and smiling again and runs off. "John!", I yell and go after him but since it had started snowing heavily while I was distracted with comforting John, I could barely make out my surroundings. 'Does he think this is a game??'  sighs' If it's a game he wants... then a game he shall get'  I smirk slightly as I run off to find him. 

Time Skip~

I'm looking around for John still even after like 4 hours. I'm concerned cause he doesn't have a coat and it's like below 20 degrees out here. I worry for John's health in this freezing climate. Then I think he might've gone back to the mansion so I go back there. I walk through the door where Alfred was stood apparently waiting. "Welcome back Master Bruce.", He greets me as he looks behind me "Is Master John with you?" I look at him with worry in my expression "I thought he came back here" he looks at me with concern. We both look out a window and see that the bat signal was up in the sky and we look at each other. "You'll have time to look for him after you deal with the criminal Master Bruce. In the meantime I will look for him while you're off fighting".

I smile at him softly "Thank you, Alfred", I say. Then I go get suited up in my Batman suit.

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