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•jadens pov•

(before we start i just wanted to say bryce is kicked out of sway for if i say sway it doenst include bryce)

we got into the prison, i was gonna meet payton so i went to the front desk and asked to meet him, she made a call and i sat in the waiting room, after a few minutes payton came to the table and i sat across him.
p| what do you want?
ja| averys in a coma, sh she uh hurt herself.
payton started crying.
ja| she won't wake up, she tried her best to and i felt her move her hand, i think if you spoke to her she might be able to wake up, because she loves you no matter how many times you hurt her, she doesn't speak to my dad because he put you in this position so please will you go to the hospital with me.
p| i can't i'm in prison.
ja| the sway boys and i are gonna break you out because your innocent, my dad framed you.
p| yeah i'll help and i'm so sorry you don't even know how sorry i am.
ja| if my sister wakes up we're all clear but if she doesn't your still dead to me.
guard| TIMES UP!
p| when's it happening?
payton asked while getting dragged away.
ja| tonight!
p| i have a fight tonight.
ja| that's perfect!

(time skip)
it was time to watch payton fight, we were stood around the ring and the guards dragged payton inside it, once the guards backed up me and the boys got in the ring and ran out of the prison.
josh was driving and he speeded to the hospital.

(time skip)
we were at the hospital and payton was holding averys hand.

•averys pov•
i was still trapped inside the coma ugh! i heard someone talking to me, they held my hand and i recognised that touch, i instantly woke up and it was payton.
p| BABY!
he attacked me with kisses
ja| okay move.
jaden pushed payton lightly and hugged me.
a| hi bro.
ja| hello i got so scared.
just as jaden said that the door flung open, it was the police.
all of the boys protected payton.
ja| paytons innocent, my dad framed him, my dad lied in court check his files
po| mike hossler?
ja| yeah!
po| sorry for the misunderstanding i'm going to have to check some files and payton?
p| yeah
po| i'm sorry you had to go through that.
p| it's okay.

(time skip)
i was aloud to go home but i went to paytons to sort things out, the swayboys came with us.
jaden knocked and joanne opened the door.
j| oh lord.. what?
ja| could we come in?
j| sure.
we all went in and joanne hugged me.
j| hi sweety.
a| hello! i missed you.
j| i sent you messages but you didn't see them or reply.
a| i got into a coma.
j| oh dear.
she tightened the hug and she started crying.
j| are you okay?
a| yeah.
j| i'm glad.
we pulled away from the hug and and payton held my hand.
p| wanna go upstairs now.
a| um sure.
i let go of his hand and we went upstairs, i stood next to the door and payton was next to his desk.
p| i'm so sorry.
he started to cry.
a| no your not but i still love you.
p| i mean it i am
a| you said that last time.
p| that was the past.
a| so?
p| please forgive i'm so sorry.
i looked at the floor.
a| i really want to but every time i forgive you you end up hurting me again.
p| i won't do anything this time.
a| no you won't because there is no this time..
p| what do you mean.
a| as much as i love you i can't get back into a relationship, i have to focus on myself for a few months.
p| i understand.
a| i'll speak to some lawyers to clear your name but yeah other than that i'll be over her for joanne faith and anna.
p| i understand but please don't move on.
a| i won't.
p| i won't either.
a| k.
i turned around and walked downstairs.
p| wait avery?
a| yeah
i turned around and walked over to him, he put his hand on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss, i didn't kiss back.
a| payton what are you doing?
p|please kiss me back.
i pecked his lips and then i went downstairs.

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