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•averys pov•
(the next day)

today was september 28th the day me and payton got married, he's taking me out today, you can't forget where he asked me out, wink, right now i was putting my earring in until payt came and looked into the long mirror we have in our room.
p| baby
a| yeah
p| could you tie this button.
a| of course i can come here.
he walked up to me and i tied the button, it was the one on his wrist.
a| is it tight?
p| no it's fine and you look- you look that good i can't even describe it.
i made an awh face and kissed him.
he pulled back.
p| i wanna kiss you so bad but your lipstick...
a| baby nothings there i put setting spray on.
he looked in the mirror and then he said;
p| don't mind if i do
payton kissed me several times on the lips.
a| i love you
p| i love you too
he winked at me.
p| you ready to go?
a| yeah.
i got up and payton held my hand, jay and camila went to my parents house btw

(time skip)
we were at the table waiting for our food, i went on my phone and opened tick tok, i used the sound
"the reason i hold on..."
i recorded payton, he looked up and smiled, he didn't look at the camera he looked at me.
p| why are you recording.
he smiled and then laughed.
a| it's for tick tok.
p| ohh
he looked at the camera and smiled, the clip ended so i posted it, i captioned it;
"my soulmate <3"
p| speaking of tick tok i saw yours
i giggled.
a| which one
p| the one where i was sleeping.
a| what tick tok
i was acting clueless.
p| you know which one.
he smiled.
a| no i don't.
i giggled again.
p| let me show you.
he showed it me and i said;
a| oh that one.
p| why didn't you wanna tell me?
a| because i thought you would think i'm a weirdo for recording you while sleeping.
p| if your a weirdo for recording me in my sleep once then what am i for having loads of pictures of you sleeping.
a| weirdoooo
he laughed and the food came and we ate.

after that we headed to the beach because payt wanted to take me there, he opened my door and picked me up.
p| come on baby.
he carried me to the sand and i took my shoes off, he held my shoes and he also held my hand.
a| i love you so much.
p| i love you more!
a| hm you know that isn't true right.
p| oh it is.
a| i don't like saying this but shut the fuck up.
we laughed.
p| no beautiful.
a| because you said that you win.
p| ay ay
i giggled.
p| i forgot to tell you this before but i still get butterflies too.
a really big smile grew on my face.
a| really!
p| yeah, i promise.
a| i believe you.
i tip toed and kissed him.
p| i have something for you.
a|ohhh nooo.
p| i'll give it you after sex
a| who said we're having sex
p| our babies aren't home, we just came back from a date...
a| your making me horny stop.
p| we best get going then.
i giggled.
a| i like the beach can we walk around for a few more minutes.
p| of course.
i smiled.
we walked around and had a chat, payton the picked me up and ran to the car.
p| sex timeee.
i laughed.
a| your so silly.
p| yup.
i giggled.
p| keep giggling it's so cute.
i giggled and he rolled his eyes in pleasure.
p| damn

we got home and payton kissed me, we walked into the house and locked the door not breaking the kiss, i snaked my hands around his neck and he picked me up still not breaking the kiss, he carried me upstairs and threw me on the bed lightly, he hovered over me and pecked me.
a| your making me horny.
p| am i
he pecked me again and then stripped, he took off my cloths for me and then kissed my boobies and then my pussy. i moaned quietly.
a| baby.
i pushed his head so he could eat me out, he did just that and i loved the feeling it was so magical,
a| i'm gonna cum.
p| cum.
i cummed and payton licked me up.
p| rough or soft.
a| rough.
he turned me around and spanked my ass.
p| do you like it when daddy spanks your ass.
a| yes.
he spanked me again and took something out of his bedside table, it was a viberator, he turned me back around and put it on my clit.
i moaned
out of nowhere he stuck himself in me and i screamed.
a| ughh
i moaned.
p| how does daddy feel?
he turned me around and carried on fucking me, he spanked my ass and it felt so good.
p| do you like it when daddy fucks you senseless.
a| mmmhm

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