Deleted scene: No phones in class

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Mad Mod: You're in my world now, and you're getting out til you learn some proper respect!

Black Widow: I will get out, and when I do-

(School bell rings)

Mad Mod: Oh dear, that the bell, my duckie.
(Mad Mod salutes)

Mad Mod: Off to class!

(A trapdoor opens and Black Widow falls into a classroom in a perfect landing. Mad Mod's face appears on a chalkboard)

Mad Mod: Now how can I teach you if you won't.......

(Black Widow's phone rings)

Mad Mod: What's that sound?

Black Widow: (sighs) Great, just great.

Mad Mod: Is that your phone ringing? No phones in class!

(Black Widow looks annoyed)

Black Widow: Hey, it's not like I can't answer my phone since I'm stuck in this chair.

Mad Mod: Turn it off.

Black Widow: How about you release me?

Mad Mod: No, you stay in school.

(Black Widow struggles against her bonds)

Black Widow: Can I please answer my phone?

Mad Mod: No, you'll call the rest of the Avengers and they'll come to rescue you.

(Black Widow's phone stops ringing)

Black Widow: So close.

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