Alternate ending

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(Black Widow is running in a hallway, still trying to catch Mad Mod and escape from his world of illusion. However, Mad Mod keeps avoiding her by disguising himself as a painting and leaves)

(Black Widow opens a door, a hypnoscreen pops out as she closes her eyes quickly and shuts the door)

Black Widow: Okay, wrong door.

(Black Widow tries to search for an exit)

Black Widow: There's gotta be a way out?

(Black Widow saw two doors opened up, revealing a peaceful meadow)

Black Widow: Huh? It can't be?

(Black Widow runs towards the meadow, which turns out to be a fake fabrics. By the time it was torn up. Black Widow gets dumped onto the floor)

Black Widow: Oh come on! Right where I started!

(Black Widow is back in the atrium as a section of the floor flips over, bringing Mad Mod into the room)

Mad Mod: Right you are my duckie.

Black Widow: You!

Mad Mod: Class is over and you didn't learned a thing.

(The doors behind Black Widow closes by themselves as the platform Mad Mod is standing began to float in mid-air)

Mad Mod: There's only one way for you to make it up.

(The walls fall forward, revealing a black and white pattern)

Mad Mod: You'll have to repeat the entire lesson!

(Mad Mod laughs maniacally)

Black Widow: This is the weirdest day in my life.

Mad Mod: Time for class my love, get back to your seat!

Black Widow: Not a chance!

(Black Widow charges towards Mad Mod, but several of his busts began to attack her with buzz saws and lasers, but luckily she manages to dodge them thanks to her peak human condition as she destroys some of them with her shock sticks and kicks one with a laser chainsaw through the giant hypnoscreen, causing a huge rip hole as the bust explodes)

Black Widow: Now you.

(Black Widow is on a collusion course with Mad Mod, the latter pressed the ruby on his cane, causing some of the floor tiles to rise up as square columns)

Black Widow: Coward.

Mad Mod: You don't call the teacher a coward!

(Black Widow shoots a zip line from her gauntlets as it embeds itself to a column. Black Widow then swings to Mad Mod's platform and faces the British villain)

Mad Mod: One way or another, you're going back to your seat my love.

Black Widow: Like that's gonna happen again!

(Black Widow tries to kick Mad Mod, but he simply dodges it, plants his cane upright, and balances on it)

Mad Mod: Nice try my love.

(Black Widow tries to grab the cane, but her hand phases through the cane)

Black Widow: A holographic. If the cane's not real, then he must be an illusion too.

(Black Widow charges to a rip hole as jumps into it, opens a panel, pulls out some wires as everything began to crash as Black Widow arrives at the room where the real Mad Mod has been the whole time)

Mad Mod: No! My Machines, where I get my hands on that duckie, I'll--

(Black Widow is right is front of Mad Mod, causing him to panic)

Mad Mod: Oh no!

(Black Widow grabs him, leaving a smirk on her face)

Black Widow: Now that school is out, your penalty for kidnapping an Avenger is 10 years of detention.

(Mad Mod gulps in fear)

(The end)

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