new world new hero

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Izuku midoriya is floating through the dimensional gap after the incident with shigaraki
As a figure is seen making her way towards him

???:my my this is interesting never knew a human can get here now let's see who you are and how you got here

The mysterious figure then looks over midoriya's memories to find out he is not from here so she makes an alteration to her plan

???:looks like you are perfect for this so I wont have to use shin I'll just make you take his place but first

The figure then proceeds to implant a sephria crystal into him as his body begins to glow as his hero costume begins to change as he gets a upgrade and new look

The figure then proceeds to implant a sephria crystal into him as his body begins to glow as his hero costume begins to change as he gets a upgrade and new look

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The Gilgamesh gauntlets are black with green(Imagine izuku is wearing the Gilgamesh gauntlets  and he has an eye mask covering his face except his mouth area)

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The Gilgamesh gauntlets are black with green
(Imagine izuku is wearing the Gilgamesh gauntlets  and he has an eye mask covering his face except his mouth area)

Izuku is somewhat conscious as he hears the figure says "pls do your best young hero and promise me you will help me bring my lover back"

Izuku(still drowsy):I-i-i-i promise m-m-miss it ..a ..heros ..job help ..people ..after ..all
As Izuku then proceeds to fall asleep again

???:thank you young hero so I will give you a little gift along with the new powers you got

The figure then proceeds to transfer commen sense about the world he is being brought to and the location of material A

???:now go young he- no young midoriya pls do your best

Izuku is then transferred to the Date a live universe in a forest(he doesn't cause a spacial quake since he isn't being forced)

Izuku:ow my head what happened where is shigaraki ......WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ARMS AND HERO COSTUME URGH OW OW OW WHY DOES MY HEAD HURT

After calming down and looking at the information he was given he then thinks

Izuku:ok so I'm in a different universe I received a mission from a woman I can assume is a spirit thanks to this information I got and there is a facility that is owned by the DEM that holds material A that I assume is important  anything else oh yeah I'm a spirit now
(Inhale exhale) WHAT THE FUCK ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?

Izuku:ok izuku breath again your bakugo is showing so first order of business

Izuku then proceeds to change his hero costume/astral suit into causal clothes

Izuku:ok so I'll explore this town luckily the nice woman decided to keep my wallet with me

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Izuku:ok so I'll explore this town luckily the nice woman decided to keep my wallet with me

as he then checks his wallet as his money has being changed with this worlds money as well as his I.d the only thing that has not change is his provisional license and family photos

Izuku:thank you miss spirit I will definitely help you're lover be brought back to you as thanks for you kindness(even thought I would have done it regardless)

Izuku then proceeds to make his way downtown as he walks into a convince store a because he is feeling hungry then two thugs walk in

Thug 1:nobody move and if you try something the red head gets it

He proceeds to grab a red head girl hostage

Thug 2:now you put the money in the  b- auck

As someone just hits him as the other thug turns around ready to shoot but is stop quickly by a fist smashing into his face

Izuku:you know picking a little girl hostage as well as trying to rob a convenience store with a knife and gun is pretty pathetic even for you guys

???:thank you for saving me but who are you?

Izuku:my name is Izuku midoriya so what is yours

???:o-o-oh my name is kotori itsuka

Izuku well nice to meet you Kotori well any way

Izuku then proceeds to tie up the robbers with rope as he proceeds to the cashier who is constantly thanking him while saying what you buy today will be free of charge

Izuku:no need for that it is fine
Cashier:no pls accept it is the least I can do for my savior

The cops soon arrive to arrest the 2 as they thank midoriya but give him a little scolding saying that was dangerous thing to do

Izuku then walks out as he is wondering where he is going to stay at since it is getting late then he hears a voice behind him say hey wait up
Izuku turns around to see Kotori with her head down

Kotori:can you pls walk me home it is dark out and probably more bad people can attack if I go alone

Izuku(with a smile):sure I'll walk you home
Kotori the smiles saying thank you

They then walk to kotori's house as they get their midoriya drops her off as he is beginning to walk away

Kotori:hey wait are you really going to walk to your house at this hour I know you are strong but still why don't you just spend the night here?

Izuku:that is very kind of you but won't you parents get mad if a random teen suddenly comes in your house?

Kotori:my parents aren't really here they are abroad and they allowed me to live alone since I didn't want to move with them since I wanted to stay near my friends

Izuku:I see well thank you for hospitality

Izuku walks in and lays down on the guest room to rest as he thinks over today's event's

Izuku:alot of things happened but no matter what miss I will keep my promise

Izuku then falls asleep

Kotori:he took down those thugs with speed that no human can accomplish not to mention he didn't even hesitate it look to like second nature to him so who are you izuku midoriya?


izuku the new spirit(date a live x mha)Where stories live. Discover now