26)Yey!Another Sibling

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Time Skip
I am now with the aespa,straykids,and enhypen to get seojun from them btw this is what im wearing:

Time SkipI am now with the aespa,straykids,and enhypen to get seojun from them btw this is what im wearing:

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We went inside the old factory and saw the secret number and the treasure

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We went inside the old factory and saw the secret number and the treasure

"Finally you guys are here"Ji hoon Said

"Give us seojun now the 10 billion korean won is now here"i said well if your asking the brief case doesn't have a money we will just trick them

"Woah Woah Why Too Early Y/n??Why Dont We Have Some Fun Huh!?"Hyunsuk Said

"Say that again in my wife or i will shut your life"sunghoon said while pointing at the gun at hyunsuk

"Let the fight begin so we can see who lives will be shut"lea said and we start the fight  and i saw seojun crying so i quickly ended lea

"You shit"hyunsuk said and he pull the triger and about to shoot seojun when i block seojun so he can shoot me and everything went black
Sunghoon Pov

"Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday Dear Seol Eh Happy Birthday To You"We All Sang While The Celebrant Blow The Candles And Everyone Clap

"Happy birthday my dearest little sister"seojun said

"Thank you Oppa"Seol Eh Said Well If Your Asking Seol Eh Is My Daughter In Y/n How??Well After She Got Shooted We Directly Bring Her To The Hospital And Luckily She is still alive

"Happy birthday my little girl here is my present on you"y/n said while giving hee present on seol eh and she opened it and it was her dream doll house that she really want

"Thanks Eomma"Seol Eh Said While Hugging Her

"Your Welcome My Girl"She Said And They Broke The Hug

"And also i still have a gift on you babe"she said

"Really for me?"i said and she nodded and gave me a little box and i was surprise when i open it..it was a pregnancy test with two lines and an ultrasound

"What your pregnant??"i said in a surprise tone

"Yes i am 3 months"she said while smiling

"Yey!another sibling"seojun and seol eh said while clapping

"Gosh thank you for marrying and being a good mom to our childrens"i said

"Thank also for being a good husband and a good dad on them"she said

The End

Okay guys i know your wondering why i end this so fast well i had a good reasons about it well i will be having a new book and this is for jake and its call when i meet ms.savage y/n is a savage girl with a bad puberty age will jake make her change??lets just see about that thanks for reading and supporting this book bye

Love lots From Author

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