Boot Camp Sucked But So Does Afghanistan

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-14 Weeks Later-

  As they load up on a C-130 Dean feels like he's going to pass out. They're flying over to Afghanistan today. Him, Eli, Benny, and Sorento. The whole gang. The only problem was that Dean was terrified of planes. And everyone knew it. Most of the other Marines felt bad but the DIs had just laughed and wished him luck. His legs feel like jello as he steps onto the ramp and climbs up it, the last time he was in an aircraft he had to jump out of it for infantry training and passed out right after he hit the ground. Benny puts his hand on Dean's back, helping him to stay standing, "Calm down brotha, we'll be sittin' down soon." He says calmly and Dean nods, "You could sleep through the flight so you don't have to be awake and stressing out, Kay?"

"Yeah." Dean says and nods, shaking like a rattle snake's tail, "Yeah, okay."

"Deep breaths alright darlin?" He murmurs so no one would here, "You're doin' good." Dean feels like his knees are going to give out and stumbles a bit, bumping into the man ahead of him who, thankfully, was Eli.

Benny's doppelgänger glances quickly over his shoulder and frowns before looking back ahead. Dean takes deep slow breaths as Benny guides him to one of the seats and sits next to him then kisses his head quickly so no one could see. It was more a comforting gesture anyway, "You okay brother?" He whispers and Dean nods, leaning into his side and closing his eyes. Benny frowns and wraps an arm around his shoulders, "I gotcha chérie." He mumbles and rubs his arm then pats his helmet gently, "get some sleep, we'll be there in no time."

  Sorento and Eli are sitting shoulder to shoulder, the blue eyed male rests his helmeted head on Sorento's shoulder then closes his eyes and lets out a shakes breath, "I'm scared."

  "The bravest men are always scared." He whispers softly and rests his head against Eli's, their helmets thunking together, "You'll be fine Eli. Benny, Dean, and I will make sure of it." The youngest of the four, only by a few months- smiles gently and yawns softly.

"I've got your back."

"I know." Sorento says softly as they shift around to hold hands in a comforting gesture, everyone's scared, that's what's common on the flight over. They all show each other what they mean because you never know when you're going to lose someone.

  Dean opens his eyes and glances over at Benny, the Cajun was about three to four inches shorter than him but it is obvious he was the protector when it comes to those two. Everyone could see it during boot camp, the crucible. Dean twisted his ankle, fucked up his knee, and almost gave up but Benny was behind the whole time, pushing him over obstacles and what not, making sure he made it. There was a few times where he even carried the taller boy even though he had looked like he was going to pass out he kept going and it paid off in the end. They all cried when they got their Eagle, Globe, and Anchor at graduation. Not sobbing, just a few tears that managed to escape the corners of their eyes. Sam, Dean's younger brother, swore he was going to join Air Force when he graduates in four years. Dean had smiled and ruffled his brother's hair before telling Sam he'd be there.

  Benny figures that's why he's so scared right now. Because he promised Sam that he was going to be there when he graduated and now he thinks he isn't going to make it home. Which is bullshit because Benny is going to make sure he does, no matter what happens or what it takes. Dean Winchester is going home. That was his personal mission. To get Dean home. Which means he has to live long enough to see that blonde, pretty eyed idiot get on a plane headed back to Parris Island.

  Benny sighs and gets comfortable, leaning back against the wall and pulling Dean closer to his side, resting his chin on his helmet and closing his eyes. Dean presses his head against his chest and grips the front of his camis, running his fingers over the rough canvas shirt and chewing on his lips, "You know I love you, right?" He whispers, barely audible. Benny just nods and rubs his side gently.

  "Love ya too brotha." He says, adjusting and wiggling against the net and equipment behind him to get maybe just a little bit more comfortable, "Sleep now idiot."

  Dean smiled a little and closed his eyes, falling asleep to the sound of the C-130's engines and Benny's slow breathing. The sound of his heart beating steadily lulling him to sleep. The plane faded away and it was just Benny and him, sleeping like they had during the crucible after eating some shitty ass MRE.
  The file off the C-130 and onto the concrete runway, Dean's just happy to be off that death trap and smiles a little when the sun warms his face, he closes his eyes and allows himself to soak up the feeling before opening them and walking again. Benny, Sorento, and Eli were walking with him, they're all smiling a little, not too much but it's enough. Dean subconsciously sticks close to Benny's side as they walk into camp where they're met by officers and other soldiers. There were a few groups talking and laughing as they played cards and what not. The group of four stuck together as they were shown their tents, luckily they all got to stick together which was a relief.

  "So the real work starts tomorrow." Eli mumbles as he slumps into his cot, his bones popping from being in the same position for so long. He hums happily and covers his eyes with his forearm, "It's hot as seven hells."

  "You sound like my uncle." Dean teased as he loads his stuff into the big container that sat at the bottom of his bed then sat on his cot, putting his sunglasses on, "Yeah, we gotta get used to it. Gonna be four years of this."

  "We get leave dumbass." Sorento says and chuckles from where he's leant against one of the support beams with his arms crossed over his chest, "You're right though, it's hot."

  "I like it." Benny says and shrugs, "Kind of reminds me of the summers when we still worked at the boat club." He sits on the box that sat at the end of Dean's bed and stretched his legs out with a yawn, "We'll make it fun." The others nod and smile a little as they stare at the bright sun and clear blue sky.

  "It'd be a pretty day to fish." Eli murmurs and everyone nods again. They just sit in silence and soak everything up, enjoying the view and each other's presence, "We all go home or no one does."

  All in unison, "Agreed."

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