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this isnt rly edited all that well i just wanted to get another chapter out for u guys. hope u enjoy xoxo pres

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

My hands were tied, my back shoved up against the side of a rock. My neck was tilted up as any time I looked down the rope suffocated me. The smell of grass filled my nose. It was cloudy then, a moist blanket hung sorely in the air and gently pleated my skin. The sun was nearly set and the air was nip.

I was alone in the field at the time. Unlike the day it happened.

I felt myself squirming around in the ties around my arms attempting to break free but nothing was working. I couldn't escape the ties. My wand was too far away and the ropes incarcerating my arms made it impossible to reach for it. My breath began to accelerate, my heart rate speeding up as my eyes looked around the familiar ambience.

Before I knew it my parents were back, both with their wands out and pointed upwards. They called my name but the lump in my throat was too big that no words could come out. I struggled through the tied ropes, the ones creating dents in my arm because of how tight they were. I kept trying to yell back at my parents, to warn them, thinking I could change the past but no words were coming out. I was trapped, physically, mentally.

My body was shaking, my head was twirling, my stomach was nauseous. I knew this feeling, it wasn't a stranger to my body. I was inaudibly screaming, my voice horse even though my screams were silent. I felt a hand slide down my arm and looked to my side, no one. I felt an arm slide across my forehead, again, no one.

"Effy! Effy! Shhh it's okay it's okay"

And then Effy woke up, drenched in sweat. She sat up on the small couch in the living room. Ginny, Harry, George, Fred and Ron stood around her, staring at the subject lying on the sofa.

"Are you alright Efs?' George said squatting down by her side. He pulled a damp towel up to her forehead and wiped the beads of sweat off. He ran his fingers through her hair. "I think you had a bad dream."

"It's that same one you were telling me about isn't it Effy." Ron said.

"Yes Ron." She stood up, balancing herself on the arm of the couch as her vision swirled. Fred grabbed her forearm in case she went down. "I'm fine, thanks guys."

"Effy, I'm going into town later to work on some details with the shop, do you wanna come with me and maybe stop by Dr. Prestiley's office?" George said after a moment. "She may want to hear about your dreams."

"Priestly knows about the dreams already George. Leave her alone she said she is fine." Ron said.

"Ron shut it last time I checked I didn't ask you ." George turned. "Effy? Does that sound like something you want to do?"

"I'm fine George thanks for the offer. And Ron is right, I already told Dr. Priestly about the dreams and everything and she apparently diagnosed me with PTSD, but I don't really believe her." Effy let out a small laugh. "I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon however to receive some sort of potion or medication to help with the dreams."

"Let me come with you!" George said, raising his hand.

"Ron already said he would come, sorry George."

"That's alright, I just worry about you sometimes Ef, I wanna make sure you're alright." He said his head slightly lowered out of disappointment.

Effy recognized the shift in George's body language and spoke up. "How bout this. George you can come with me and Ron to the office and wait in the room outside, I am only allowed one body of company but you can wait outside and be the first to know."

-𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠-f.wWhere stories live. Discover now