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Prompt: Young Justice and Justice League find out about Wally and Dicks relationship when They were spying on Robin, they just wanted to make sure he was ok after the injury but instead they found out and even bigger secret! Top Wally/Bottom Dick
(Requested by @Markiplierfan25part2) I think I spelled there username right!

[Dicks POV]
I didn't expect my day to turn out like this! Wally and I are in the living room making out. Wally slowly started to push me backwards. Next thing I knew I was falling back and landing on the couch. Wallys hands went down towards my...uh...you know where. Wally pulled off my belt and started to pull up my hoodie. As my hoodie was pulled off he started to kiss down my chest, he first kissed around my nipples then down the rest of my torso. (Maybe it's time to switch POVS?)

[Artemis's POV]
(Ok before I start I just want to say sorry Artemis!)
We were spying on Robin when they started kissing, I didn't expect to find out two of our teammates were gay!

"What is going on?" Super-boy asked. I almost forgot he doesn't know that part of the world yet. They started to go further, I looked to everyone in the room to see there reactions, but everyone just looked frozen, shock all over there faces. I looked back to the screen to see it going further, that's when I shut the camera off, knocking everyone out of there shocked looks.

"Um...th-that," Aqualad started to say but decided to keep quiet. I really don't know what to think. I looked to everyone for some kind of response but they were all gone. I then ran out of the room to catch up, wondering what they are going to do.

[Wally's POV]
Dick and I started to get further into our...activity...yeah activity, when we heard somebody walk into the room. I froze! Tell me the JL and YJL didn't just see what were doing. I jumped back and stood up, making sure not to look at anybody. Dick stood up next to me. Exactly as I expected he threw a smoke bomb and ran for the zeta tubes.

'Recognized Robin B01'

The zeta tubes announced, leaving me alone with everybody.

"So..." I said, trying to think what else to say.

"You and Robin?" Artemis said.

"Uh...yea..." I mumbled. It was silent for a few minutes before...

"OMG, I've been waiting for this to happen," M'gann said. Wait, uh?

"What?" I said.

"Wally everybody can feel the sexual tension between the two of you, but nobody thought you guys would go that far," Barry said. Everyone nodded.

"I'm going to go find Robin," Batman said.  Everyone looked a Batman a little nervous.

"What exactly..." I said but stopped to sacred to continue.

"I'm Batman," he said. But nobody had the chance to respond because next thing we knew the zeta tubes announced

'Recognized Batman B01' (Not sure what Batman's is so yeah)

[Dick Grayson's POV]
I threw down a smoke bomb and ran towards the zeta tubes.

'Recognized Robin B01'

I heard the computer announce. After the white light disappeared I noticed I was near the old warehouses in the far side of Gotham, ugh I wanted to be closer to Wayne Manor. Guess that's what I get when I leave in a hurry. Unfortunately I'm in my civvies so if anybody spots me I'm in trouble, especially if they have bad intentions. I mentally face palmed. It's not like it would be much better if I was Robin, but at least I could fight as Robin not like now when I have to be Dick Grayson.

I made my way towards the other side of Gotham, still annoyed because it's going to take forever to get back. Worst part is Joker escaped from Arkham, this district is his favorite spot. Definitely not a place for Dick Grayson ward of billionaire Bruce Wayne to be. Hopefully I can move through quickly.

"Hahaha Guys look it's Bruce Wayne's charity case," Joker said. Dammit, this really isn't my day! I hesitantly turned around.

"Totally not feeling the aster," I whispered low enough so that I'm the only one able to hear it.

"What was that brat?" He asked.

"Nothing, now beat it clown," I said. As soon as I said it I regretted it, remembering I can't fight as Dick Grayson. The Joker came up to me and pinned me against the metal crate I was standing by.

"I wonder how much money we can get from Bruce Wayne for his ward," Joker said. Ugh! This clown has bad breath!

"Joker put the boy down," a familiar voice said. I was wondering how long it would take for Batman to find me.

"Oh look who it is, it's Batman *Joker laughed* is boy blunder with you?" Joker asked. The area was silent for a bit. Before Joker continued.

"Guess Not," he said. Batman lunged at the Joker punching him in the face! He then kicked his legs out from under him and delivered another punch to his face knocking him out, Jokers goons ran away.

"Joker has gotten to easy for you!" I said, just pound enough for me and Batman to hear.

"I'll take you home Dick, I'm sure Bruce is worried," Batman said, as Gordon was walking over to us.

"Dick, what are you doing here?" Gordon asked.

"Gordon, I'll take Dick home to Bruce," Batman said.

"I Appreciate it, we are already short staffed and I am busy, also I don't really trust most of the guys on the force, still cleaning it up," Gordon said and Batman nodded. I followed Batman to the bat-mobile, once in it we can talk freely.

"So..." I said.

"Dick...It's ok if you like guys," Bruce said.

"..." I stayed silent.

"I don't care who you like, I only care that you grow up to be a good person and who you date doesn't effect who you are," Bruce said. I wanted to give him a hug for excepting me, but that'll have to wait till we get to the bat-cave.

~10 Minutes Later~
We pulled into the bat-cave and got out. Before Bruce could go any further, I gave him a hug. "Thank You Bruce for excepting who I am," I said starting to cry.

"It's fine Dickie," he said. I yawned, I guess I'm tired from the long day I had. Before I could pull away from the hug, I felt Bruce pick me up. I closed my eyes and open them again, this happened a few times before sleep consumed me.

[Bruce's POV]
Dick yawned while I was hugging him so I decided to pick him up and bring him to his room. He soon fell asleep on the way up the stairs. When I made it to his room I laid him down on his bed.

"Good Night Dick," I whispered, moving some hair off his eyes.

The End!!!
I finally finished it!!! I know it took me forever but I was busy this past 5 or so days so I couldn't finish it! At least it's here now!

Anyway remember any request just put them in the comments here!

Have a great Day/Night! Stay Whelmed and Feel the aster! (Does anybody else say "Stay whelmed and feel the aster" at the end of there Robin fanfics or is it just me?)

~1255 words

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