And I wouldn't trade this life for the world.


-Five Years Later-

"Mama? Does Papa's friends coming over?" My son, Shuuji, the first child we actually had. A surrogate child me and Osamu agreed on, said.

He was a chibi replica of Dazai himself. Even his eyes. "Yep. Ane-san and the others are coming too." I said smiling at him. We just got back on Yokohama and had this four years old boy with us and a one year old baby which on Osamu's care.

I really don't know his obsession with Fumiya. Both our children were boys and well, Fumiya was Osamu's boy while Shuuji's my boy. Though, said father was keeping the little terror on making a fuzz.

"So I'm going to meet, Ryuu-san's and Atshusi-san's son too?" Asked Shuuji. I hummed at him before pressing a kiss in his head. "How about we go change?" I suggest that surely this boy obeyed.

He was tame, probably the same as Osamu when he was a kid. But I know deep down he was a little terror himself. I went back to Osamu who had out baby terror tamed and sleeping like a cat on his arms.

Osamu smile at me before bending down to pressed a kiss. "He really is like you. So hyper." He complained but with lots of affection on his voice. I chuckled and pressed another kiss on him before going to check on Shuuji.

The kid was dressed in his formal wear. Well, not really formal but it's enough to make your self presentable. And a little charmer he is, he went handsomely with his attire.

"My little handsome young man," I teased making Shuuji blushes but smile. I picked him up before we both left his room. Of course I teased him and well, he went along even engaging on a little bickering.

Soon we met up with a sleep Fumiya on his dad's arms and a handsome Osamu carrying him.

"Shall we go?" he asked in a gentleman manner. I smile as well Shuuji. "We shall." we both said in one making the three of us giggles before leaving the house.

I drove us on the location and well, what would we expected? A few toddlers running around and our friends of course.

They all great us and start to swarmed Shuuji and Fumiya. Shuuji become tame as ever. Making him looked cute for all the adults while Fumiya didn't care. He was sleeping peacefully on Osamu's arms.

It actually made as all laugh but before we went to start celebrating. I watched as Shuuji came to those kids and guess what? Such a genius kid he was he got along fine with Rampo and Poe's son. Miyuko.

Then just like his father, Shuuji immediately charmed the girls that was about his age. I give Osamu a glare in which he shrugged at. Of course I should known.  This husband of mine is a real charmer that I had to beat dozen of ladies if I had too to prevent him from getting snatched away.

Our conversations went smooth until it end in which we all are happy. After the huge and tiring as well eventful day, we retired.

We went home and Shuuji was fast sleep in the car. Fumiya was awake and was bugging Osamu while I drive.

When we gotten back to the house. I went to tack Shuuji to bed and Osamu went to put Fumiya to sleep. When we both met, we were at our own bedroom.

I immediately wrapped my limbs around him making him giggles. Though he stroke my hair. Our pets, Baki and Dazoo was already sleeping. That means only me and my husband was left awake.

I looked up to Osamu and found him reading. "Osamu?" I called he hummed at me and set the book down. "Love you," I said shamelessly and he smile at it.

"Love you too." He replied before caging me on his chest. "I loved you so much that I marry you, settled down with you and will grow old with you." He said sincerely which made me nuzzle in him more. Like making our self fused.

I hummed in his chest. "I never really though this. It's better than that dream." I said. It seems to caught his attentions because he looked down at me.

"And why is that?" He asked and it made me grinned before climbing up and leveling him.

"Because, that Osamu I married in that dream was my version of you and you," I sais pointi at him still grinning. "Because you are you and I want the real Dazai Osamu to love me back like how I loved him. Love you, Osamu." I said which melt him.

I seen the process of melting down on his eyes and before I know it, he kissed me. Deep, slow and passionately. It was a kiss filled with pure love and admiration.

We broke a part and he rest his head on mine. "Well I'm glade it's better. Because, Dazai-Nakahara Chuuya, will be mine, only mine and I'll kill anyone who had the gal to take my light, my love, my best friend, my lover and my everything. I love you too, Chuuya."

He said with a sincere voice that made me cried. Osamu really did change all this years. That cold, manipulative bastard I met in my teen was now a man. A wonderful man with the will to live and I...

I already burried the old me and locked him away. I won't become destructive anymore. Not when I have a wonderful family that I will live, love, and die for.

And I will never let anyone hurt my family. I'll protect them with all I got and I will love this man in front of me along with the angles he given me with all my hearts.

I, Dazai-Nakahara Chuuya, swear to Love and devote my self to my family. I will love them, care for them, and protect them. And I swear that I will never let this man, my Husband, leave my side unless it's his turn.

I, Dazai-Nakahara Chuuya, will love Nakahara-Dazai Osamu, with everything I had.


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