"Well well what do we have here" Bella laughed clutching her wand pointing it towards Tonks while Antonin did the same but to Remus and myself.

"You bitch" Tonks shrieked throwing a curse at Bella with no fear at all but she just repelled the hex backwards and it came hurdling towards Her which Tonks easily blocked with a laugh.

"Remus help her I will try deal with this son of a bitch" I declared over the loud echoes spraying through the grounds.

"Be careful Celia" he warned before turning towards Tonks.

"Bring it on" I screamed at the man. Flicking my wand each hex landed onto the horrid man which he immediately turned away with ease. Nothing seemed to be working. "Stupefy" I yelled but it did no damage but to the wall next to me as he countered it.

"Avada Kedavra" Antonin emitted causing a flash of green light to emit from the end of his wand as it came flying towards me. I braced squeezing my eyes knowing I could never counter the killing curse and the necklace Severus got me would never be as powerful to heal from that.

After a moment of nothing I opened my eyes to see that Antonin was gone but to my dismay i looked down onto the ground and my world started to crash. Remus laying lifeless in-front of me. I dropped to my knees letting out a scream as my heart clenched. "Remus" I cried sobbing onto the body below me.
"Why, you saved me" I whispered as tears came flowing down my cheeks. A sudden bolt of anger came in me as I screeched still holding him my most loved Professor gone and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Celia" I heard Tonks question as she saw me distraught on the ground. "moony" She shrieked running as I saw her eyes begin to water I let go of Remus letting Tonks go to him. She dropped her head onto his chest muttering something under her breath.

I watched as tears still dropped from my eyes as I saw her agony of the loss. Without noticing, I saw Bellatrix stride towards us all.

"You, you and your friends! They did this and your going to pay" Tonks bellowed her voice dangerously low.

"Your going to get me" She sung clutching her wand spinning it around her hand cackling as a big grin formed onto her face.

All I could do was watch as Tonks began chasing after bella leaving me alone with the body. I knelt down next to him again to say one last goodbye.
"You saved my life Remus, I will never forget that. Even though you was my professor we grew close and you helped me through a lot of problems and I didn't appreciate you enough. I will miss you deeply" I whispered in shaky breaths grabbing his wand and putting it into my pocket as I heard footsteps behind me.

"Celia is that-" Cora asked her tone softer.

"Remus" I sniffled turning round to face her.

"Oh Merlin, after all this is over we can bury his body okay" She assured me.

"Yes Please" I smiled sadly turning away from him before taking one last glance at him. "Goodbye Remus" I mumbled under my breath as Cora took me away from him.


"Harry he- he is fighting Voldemort. COME ON!" Taylah screamed running into the main square with me and Cora trailing behind her.

All we could see was a blinding colours of light a green vs red battling on another with Harry and Voldemort on each end. Bodies where laid scattered on the ground with ear splitting screams where heard. This was the final battle.

In the corner of my eye I saw a figure in the shadows. "Antonin" I whispered as I left my friends sprinting towards him.

"YOU KILLED REMUS AND FOR THAT I SHALL KILL YOU" I let out a descending scream.
"REDUCTO" "CONFRINGO" "STUPEFY" I let out my anger as he tried to dodge my hex's but failed miserably as I fired one after another so fast he didn't have time to think. "YOU WILL PAY"
I wander afraid to say the words, then two words and he would be gone.

"Avada Kedavra" I shrieked as tears rolled down my cheeks.


I turned around to see Severus standing in the corner with his wand raised and mouth ajar as the flash of green light hit Antonin causing his death.

"Severus what are you doing here"

"I got worried Celia, I thought I had lost you but it looks like you have everything under control " He mumbled striding towards me. Pulling me into the side. "We must leave now"

"No, Please" I cried.

"And why is that" he raised his eyebrow.

"I need to bury Remus and I need to find Tonks and my friends, I beg you" I told him my voice braking in the middle of the sentence.

"Very well"

I am so sorry

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