Animals are angels

Start from the beginning

"You got it!" I responded with a laugh. At least I'm not the only one who doesn't like this, I thought, and then felt bad for thinking it. I don't want anyone else to dislike this, I want them to be happy! I want all of us to be happy.

*** Around 12:30 p.m. ***

"Hey guys!" I said smiling as I walked over to our usual table in the library.

"Hey, Gil." Hayley said with a smile.

"Where're Jack and Jax?" I asked, sitting down next to AG. I hadn't noticed they weren't there until then.

"Dunno. They were fighting like dogs so we left them in the hallway. They knew where we were coming so they'll probably be here before long." Ollie said. "We only left them like five minutes ago." He added.

"Mkay." I responded and started helping AG with our charms essay. She asked me to help her yesterday when we she showed up for the interveiw. I'd already finnished the five page essay even though we'd only gotten the assignment on Thursday. I had also finnished a six page essay for Proffesor Sebastion that we'd gotten Wednesday and recieved very good marks on it, although he'd been a bit confused when I handed it in on Friday and checked it to make sure I hadn't cheated. I couldn't tell if he'd been impressed or concerned, but it was done and I got a good grade and didn't get in troubel to it doesn't matter.

Jax and Jack showed up five minutes later and they weren't speaking to eachother and Jack's arms were crossed across his chest. He sat down in a huff across from Jocelyn who looked up from her book with a dirty look for distracting her. Jax sat down next to me looking as though he had been in a very bad arguement and eventually given up out of frustration. He opened up a book and pulled out his half-done assignment for Professor Sebastion and a quill. Jack just sat there in a state, but making no noise.

"So.. I have to write it two ways?" AG asked. I could tell from the look on her face she was finally starting to understand it, I always smiled when I saw the look of relization dawn on her face. It made me happy when she got it.

"Yep. And you did all of this right," I said pointing at her first half of the page. "You just jumped into explaining something else here, but you need to explain this part twice. Then you write this and continue," I said pointing to the bottom half of her page.

"I get it now! Thanks, Gilly." She said happily and then continued on writing.

"You still need help?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Nope, but thanks again." She looked up at me and smiled and then went back to writing away on her assignment. I chuckled slilently to myself and pulled out my therapy assingment. I didn't really know what to write about. 'What is an important thing to you right now?' that's the assignment. I don't know what to write for that.

I was going to write about Wilson, but I didn't think Harlow would like that. It only had to be one page, but I couldn't think of anything to write at first. Then it hit me; my locket. When we'd beat Alva, my mom and dad had bought me a golden, heart-shaped locket. It was fairly small, but large enough to hold a picture of me and my whole family (Mom, dad, Han, Hamish, Felix, Trixie, Anna, Grandma Pearl and I) on one side and a picture of me and the crew (Kayla, Ollie, Maxine, Jocelyn, Hayley, AG, Jack, Jax and I) and there were a few little stones on it that are actually part of Grandma Pearl's charm that kept her hidden from Alva. It was made with magic so it couldn't break and I could zoom in on people in the pictures. It wsa the only piece of jewlery I wore, but I wore it all the time.

I finnished my essay for Harlow at 6 o'clock right before we decided to go to dinner. It wouldn't have take so long if I hadn't almost dosed-off twice, day dreamed for nearly an hour and gotten distracted with questions from my friends like ten times. I didn't really mind though, it was fun. I mean I certianly didn't sit with my bestfriends in the library that was where two of their mothers' worked for efficiantcy. (I can't spell, sorry.)

*** Aftert dinner ***

"Are alright, Theif? You look tired." Jax said as he started walking next to me again.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Yeah, I'm fine." I said, knowing Jax would know I was lying but not caring all that much.

"I know your lying. Seriously, Gil, what's wrong?" Jax asked, violet eyes filling with concern yet again. I sighed.

"Nothing, Jax, I'm fine."

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He asked.

"I- yeah, of course," I repsonded.

"Gil, please tell me what's up, I'm worried. You look more tired by the day, you barely touched your dinner and you've been finnishing all out assignments way faster than normal. Please just tell me. It'll stay between us, I promise." He said, taking my hand in his and interlocking our fingers.

"I don't even know anymore!" I said. "I don't know what's wrong, okay?" I felt myself start crying. "I- I'm sorry." I said and bolted off to my dorm crying. I got there before anyone else and closed the door, locked it and flopped on my bed.

I lay there crying, Wilson was nuzzeling my cheek with his fury head and Peaches stopped quacking. Wilson squeaked softly and nuzzeled my cheek some more, snuggling against my neck under my hair. I lifted my left hand up to stroke him and he grabbed my finger in his front paws. I cried even more, but he held my finger and squeaked. Even though I didn't know what he was saying exactly I knew what he meant. Everythin was going to be okay.

"T-Thanks, Wil," I choked out. My friends were banging on the door and Peaches was right behind it, quacking.

"Peaches, let us in!" Maxine scolded the duck, but wouldn't do it. He was quacking angrily at her and then he walked away altogether. "Gilly, please let us in! Are you okay?! Gilly? Gilly! GILLY?! GILLIAN?!" She yelled. I froze when she yelled my full name, stopped crying, stopped rubbing Wilson, I had to remind myself to breathe. The first time I remeber being yelled at by someone one like Maxine who was always so calm and happy was the first time I got busted for stealing. And it was by Anna.

I got up and weakly unlocked the door before falling into a heap of tears. I knew I hadn't lost my friends, but hearing Maxine yell that made me want to shrink, it made me think I failed them. I sobbed. I lay on the floor in a tiny little ball and sobbed. Maxine tried to comfort me first but to no avail, then Kayla tried to calm me down with a gentle hand on my arm and a calming voice, but it did nothing and then AG tried to calm me down but it was no help. Lastly, Jax threw his arms around me, "It'll be okay." Was all he said. Other than that he just held me, he let me cry and he didn't leave. And after a minute or so I was still crying but I had been pulled into Jax's lap (by Jax) and was cyring on his shoulder and he was playing with my hair and it was helping.

Yay! A long chapter. And A very JILLY chapter. :> I feel bad for Gilly, the poor baby but I was also smiling like an idiot while writing that last part because I ship them so much. :^ AnYwAyS, thanks for reading, commenting and rating it means a lot to me!! And thank you for all my birthday wishes! :) <3

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now