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surprise! a little james' pov for you all to bring you into the minds of what others are thinking when they see willa and matthew!! comment what you think and if i should include more povs from the other characters like thomas!

surprise! a little james' pov for you all to bring you into the minds of what others are thinking when they see willa and matthew!! comment what you think and if i should include more povs from the other characters like thomas!

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A L L   T H A T   T U R N S

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"Look out behind you!" Christopher barked in alarm. James ducked hastily out of the way. Two werewolves flew past them, locked in drunken combat, and crashed to the floor. Thomas held his glass above his head to keep it safe from the jostling crowd.

James had not been sure that the Devil Tavern was the right place for this party, given that he was there several days a week anyway especially since both his sister and his parabatai had seemed to need to go more frequently over the past few months.

However Matthew had been insistent, intimating that he'd arranged something special. James had only momentarily wondered if he should be scared or not.

The Herondale boy glanced about at the chaos and sighed a quiet inner sigh. "I rather imagined a more sedate evening."

Things had not been so riotous when they first arrived. The Devil was doing its usual lively, friendly evening business, and James would have been happy to slip upstairs to their private rooms, as he had so many times before, and simply relax with his oldest friends and his sister.

Although part of that hope had been diminished the moment they walked in and he had seen Matthew practically sprint to grab the nearest drink. He had downed it before James could even make it through the door, mumbling something along the lines of Willa celebrating with Cordelia for the night before he was already stumbling off.

James didn't have much time to think on what his parabatai had said, frowning as he realized Willa wouldn't be joining them for the night and only briefly wondering if something had happened given the tone the blonde gave him.

Matthew, however, had already climbed onto a chair, demanded the entire pub's attention by clanging his stele against the metal chandelier, and cried out, "Friends! This evening my parabatai, James Jeremiah Jehoshaphat Herondale, celebrates his last night as a single man!"

The whole pub had whooped and cheered.

James had waved a hand to thank and dismiss his well-wishers, but it seemed they weren't done. Downworlders of all kinds approached to shake his hand and pound his back and wish him happy. To his surprise, James realized that he knew most everyone present — that he'd known many of them, in fact, since he and Willa had stumbled upon the place back when they were children, and they had watched him grow up.

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