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1. Do you believe featuring in meet the authors has helped you as a writer?

It has definitely helped in the sense it has exposed me to a range of new writers at different stages in their journey and has allowed me to learn a bit more about their individual journeys and the advice they have to offer, which in turn helped me continue to grow as a writer.

2. What genre do you like to read?

I enjoy reading most genres, but the ones I gravitate towards most are Romance and Historical-Fantasy. I do typically like for the books I read to have a Romance element of some sort, even if it's not the core focus of the story.

3. What's the best piece of advice you have received on Wattpad?

I don't even know where to begin with this one. I've received so many great pieces of advice that have helped shape my Wattpad and writing journey. The piece of advice that would stand out most—and that I heard a lot when I first started out on Wattpad—simply put was this: Your story is your story, and only you can tell it the way you do. 

You have to focus on telling your story, and not allow yourself to be sucked into this spiral of comparing your story, your stats, your success, etc. as you'll only end up fixating on the wrong things and trying to make your story fit some unspoken mold when it was never meant to. Focus on telling your story and telling it the way it wants to be told. 

4. Are your stories on any other platforms? (Instagram, twitter, amazon, ect)

My stories are only available on Wattpad at this stage, however, this may change in the future.

5. Do you believe being a part of the Wattpad community has helped you as a writer?

Absolutely! The people I've met, the networks I've made, and the resources, tips, and experiences that I've been exposed to on Wattpad have made a huge impact on my writing. I've learned more since being active in the community than I did while doing it alone. There's something uplifting and encouraging about knowing that you're not alone and that you have a place to go where you can grow alongside like-minded people, and I just love seeing writers from all walks and all levels of experience uniting to share their stories.

6. What's one story (on or off Wattpad) that you would recommend someone read?

Only one? That's a tough one! On Wattpad, I would highly recommend checking out Truth or Death by @rebecca-jade for any fan of YA Mystery/Thriller/Romance. Off Wattpad, an all-time favorite of mine is the Glass and Steele series by C.J. Archer. 

7. How is your latest story going? Can you tell us anything about it?

Currently, I am working on a new novella for ONC that takes me out of my comfort zone and venturing into two genres that I've always loved to read, but been afraid to write. It's a historical fantasy that finds its roots in the Greek Myth about Pandora's Box, but with some twists. It's been...challenging, at times, but I am having so much fun with the story and I am really looking forward to sharing it with everyone. 

8. Do you believe interview platforms, clubs, contests, and organization accounts on Wattpad are a useful tool to new writers?

I definitely believe they can be when created with the right intention, and a dedication to their intended purpose. There are many amazing community initiatives that provide excellent advice and resources and opportunities to the new and upcoming writers here on Wattpad, and it's a joy to see these profiles in action, and the greater impact that they're having on those they're reaching. 

9. As a writer, do you think it's wise to write in more than one genre?

This, to me, is entirely up to the writer. Some writers will have their one genre that they excel in, and they'll stick to it and continue to do amazing things with it. And then you have others who love to dip their toes in different things and experiment with different genres, and that's amazing too! I don't believe that it is wiser to go one way or the other, it just comes down to a writer's personal choice and their objective. It's just a matter of finding your fit. 

{Click on the link below to checkout this author's profile}

Meet The Authors Alumni edition #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora