JJ gestured to the map that lay on the table in front of Pope. "It's all outta whack 'cause the guy was ganja'd when he drew it."

Scarlett lightly hit his shoulder with the dishcloth she was holding. "Idiot, the coast has changed. That's why." JJ nodded and took a sip of his drink.

"So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed." Pope explained.

"What about the old forts?" John B suggested.

"Battery Jasper." Kiara smiled, pointing to it on the map.

"Right, let me just finish my shift and then we can go on our little field trip." Scarlett sighed, stepping away from the table.

"Dad will let you clock out early." Kiara told her. "It's not busy in here so I'm sure they'll manage just fine."


The van pulled up to the ruins of Battery Jasper and the Pogues all crowded around it, looking out at the rest of the island. Pope laid the map out on top of part of the ruins. "We're in Battery, right here." He pointed to their location on the map before pointing to another place. "So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here." He gestured out towards the horizon.

"Somewhere over there?" Kiara asked, pointing to somewhere beyond the trees.

"Right." Pope confirmed.

"Over there?" JJ questioned. "Guys, that's not Tannyhill, that's a subdivision."

"JJ surprisingly has a point." Scarlett nodded, folding her arms across her chest.

JJ looked down at her in confusion. "What do you mean, 'surprisingly'?" Scarlett just shrugged, not giving the blonde boy a verbal response.

John B glanced over at the two before looking back out at the horizon, the sun just beginning to set. "Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island." He explained. "It got sold into smaller pieces over time."

Scarlett nodded, turning her gaze to the sunset. "That... alright then..." She trailed off, not sure what to say.

"So we're just looking for an old stone wall." Pope pointed out, his finger tracing over the landmark on the map.

Scarlett jumped down from the rock she had climbed on. "Right, let's get this adventure started then." She grinned, walking backwards and to the van.


Following Pope's directions, John B drove them to where the old stone wall was located on the island. The van rounded a corner, and sure enough there was the wall. "That looks like a stone wall to me." JJ exclaimed as John B pulled the van to a stop.

"This is it." Pope confirmed.

Scarlett pushed open the van door, her face dropping when she saw which house they were outside. "Oh no. Of all places we could have picked, why here?"

John B stepped out of the van and walked round it to stand next to Scarlett. "Not the Crain house." He muttered.

"Are you kidding me?" Kiara asked as she approached the stone wall.

JJ threw his arm around Scarlett's shoulder as they walked closer to the wall. "Worst-case scenario." He mumbled.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it."

"Why'd it have to be here... of all places." Pope sighed.

"I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband's head on the property." JJ told them, making Scarlett's face crinkle in disgust.

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